4622..... Crap... Start here till I figure out...

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Oh dear, my toddler learned the word "no." What do I do now?

Start asking non- yes/no questions.

instead of lets put on this shirt, do you want to wear this shirt or that one
Should have spammed first then answered questions, oh well :)

At my house that lasted about a year - now the daughter looks beyond the two choice "I don't like either of those, NO"

morning NCEES check, negative.

Not sure how they keep their site from crashing from now until results are released...

Ha! I actually checked twice this morning just to make sure that I wasn't missing anything!

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Oh dear, my toddler learned the word "no." What do I do now?
Start asking non- yes/no questions.

instead of lets put on this shirt, do you want to wear this shirt or that one
Should have spammed first then answered questions, oh well :)
At my house that lasted about a year - now the daughter looks beyond the two choice "I don't like either of those, NO"
I think I'm sunk. I didn't even ask him a question, just put a bowl of yogurt in front of him and he looked at me with a very serious face, shook his head, and said " No no no." He wanted granola on his yogurt.
I think I'm sunk. I didn't even ask him a question, just put a bowl of yogurt in front of him and he looked at me with a very serious face, shook his head, and said " No no no." He wanted granola on his yogurt.
Good luck - the little ones get more interesting every day. Every stage has had it's positives (disclaimer, daughter is 4, can't speak at all to teenage years!)

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