4622..... Crap... Start here till I figure out...

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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To those worried about getting banned after the 10k, I was deleted shortly before the April 2011 exam. Yes, my account was deleted. All hail the power of the admin!! :bowdown:

Aww man...just as i was contemplating becoming a supporting member
if you support the right member, you won't be deleted...

does anyone know if any of the universities offer PE prep courses to former students?
Some do, check with your local ASCE group. They usually put something together.

I know they do up here in AK at the University of AK campuses.

My college provided free FE review classes for all students. I don't believe they did anything for the PE.

As Dex stated above, don't argue with the admin or any of the mods. Supporting membership is always a good idea; it helps the site out as a whole.

Really depends on the local college, but the local professional chapters (ASCE, ASPE) usually put something together if there's enough interest. Sometimes the college is involved, sometimes not.

Arguing with the admins or mods seems like a bad move on any forum. Although sarcasm doesn't seem to be discouraged :D

Glad Dex is back :)

(Sycamore-always pushing the limits :laugh: )

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