pabelong PE
Engineer in Training
I was super polite, but didn't think of extreme flattery - that was brilliant!
PA uses email snail mail...they just don' hold a special board meeting for approval...have to wait for their schedule.ok. I just called pcs. what the hell, why not. I spoke to the NJ exam coordinator, Brandi Rae. She informed me that PCS just received the exams yesterday and they are currently "validating" them. Once this process is complete, they will send their review to the NJ board for review and confirmation at which point PCS will permit NCEES to notify us. So, don't expect NJ scores (and I guess any other PCS states) before Tuesday of nest week. She did state that NJ would receive results via emails, not snail mail (sorry PA), and that it would be early next week. Most likely no later than Wednesday.
My wife said that movie suckedladies I think we need an emoticon a'la Magic Mike