October 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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I have a friend who has failed Geotech twice in a row. What made you change to Construction?
My first job was for a Materials Testing/Geotech firm so I thought Geotech would be the best choice.

Got a 21/40 the first exam, contemplated changing but didn't, got a 19/40 the second try.

The Geotech portion was extremely tough for me - Lots of random questions that I wasn't prepared for

So I knew I needed to switch. I am a construction manager for my new job with QA/QC experience so Construction was the best fit.

My first job was for a Materials Testing/Geotech firm so I thought Geotech would be the best choice.

Got a 21/40 the first exam, contemplated changing but didn't, got a 19/40 the second try.

The Geotech portion was extremely tough for me - Lots of random questions that I wasn't prepared for

So I knew I needed to switch. I am a construction manager for my new job with QA/QC experience so Construction was the best fit.
Thanks for the response. My friend has mostly been doing construction for the past year and I intend to convince him to switch. Beer(s) will probably be involved in that conversation.

I hope so! I Just sent an email to Lisa Metcalf to double check this information.
let me know what she says back, she said it to me with the utmost confidence lol. didnt even hesitate. still nice about it though

WTF.  I know it takes that long for them to issue you a license number after you pass, I didn't know it took that long just to let you know the results, too.  That can't be right.  ...Can it?

*bangs head against wall*
I'm hoping she was intentionally giving the license number dates but she specifically repeated "before we release the results". Hopefully the emphasis referred to how long it would take FBPE to update the board website rather than how long it would take to give NCEES the go ahead. ...but I'm just as fearful all my hope is misplaced lol

Just signed up on EB.  FIRST POST HERE!!!  Just took Civil Transportation for the second time (4/19 & 10/19)

A bit perturbed over what's happened here in FL . . .  Lisa Metcalf was extremely helpful in the past and seemed like she knew the ins and outs of the process well.

To Chattaneer, do you have solid reason to think the 2-6 week wait is "Fake News"?  People are on edge right now, already having waited this long, so I hope you're not just throwing a turd into the punch bowl for kicks . . . 


I emailed OSBEELS and received a reply from a person there that said that NCEES would send the results to the examinees before sending them to OSBEELS and therefore we would know before they would.

UPDATE: I called NCEES and they claimed that they were aware that Oregon hasnt been release but said the reason is because Oregon's state board hadn't yet given them permission........ sounds like a clusterfrig to me

Hey made an account just to post this. Illinois is up on CTS. I passed but I just wanted to say for people still waiting or future lurkers - the test felt like it went really poorly for me. I guessEd on way more questions than any of the practice tests I had taken the month before and I didn’t have time to check my answers so basically I thought for sure I failed. I still keep reloading the page expecting it to change to failed. Just know during this wait you really don’t know until it’s posted. Don’t be like me and beat yourself up about it for 7 weeks while you wait. Relax, know you gave it your best shot and if it doesn’t work out know you aren’t alone! We all competent engineers and this test is hard!

Wow. Guess Louisiana is behind the times again. Second day release. We last in health care, schools and this. :(  


Just spoke to Lisa M (the one and only) at FBPE on the phone, told her I heard NCEES released the results and she said they received it and it would be 2-6 weeks before they released results. said they had to go through the results review process first...

Has anyone else gotten this line or is this the terrifying truth??
IIRC, Florida has done audits in the past. It's never taken that long. Might be worth looking at the Florida release threads from previous years. maybe Oct 18 was slow?

When has Minnesota released results in the past?  I know they mail them out, but approximately when do they let NCEES post them?
Also IIRC, they allow NCEES to release after they have put all the letters in the mail. I feel pretty confident in saying that you'll have them by tomorrow.

Do they typically release results after business hours? 
In the past, we would see released at 11PM eastern time for some of the pacific states. But it's been a while since it happened that late. I don't know what the mechanism is for releasing the results to the examinees. If it requires "a button to be pushed" at NCEES (which I doubt it always the case) then it will likely happen during east coast business hours. If "the button" is at the local level, then it could happen whenever the board deems fit to press it.


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