I'm guessing with the next edition. But, their latest edition just came out last year (I think).So the question is when is the CERM going to catch up and update their contents??
For this April, it was out-of-date significantly for all masonry stuff, for steel and concrete although the specs changed from AISC 13th to 14th and ACI 8 to 11 I think it was good enough, but they should really come up with their 15th edition before this October...I'm guessing with the next edition. But, their latest edition just came out last year (I think).So the question is when is the CERM going to catch up and update their contents??
I was thinking from my perspective, structural PM. For the AM portion you are right it should be enoughWhat kind of masonry (or any means and methods, really) are you expecting in the AM that you couldn't solve with any random book?
Brick sizes, rebar, joints, etc don't change. Anything that is code related is going to be in the Construction PM.