CA special civil survey exam Testing plan question

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2013
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I am a structural with zero survey knowledge plan on taking the 2014 April survey exam.

I have a question regarding to the "survey principles" by Paul A Cumos published by PPI, specifically pertaining to chapter 11, 12, and 13. California coordinates system, Astronomical Observation ( really?) and United States Public Land Systems. Are these on the testing plan? I do not see these topics on the official testing plan. Can anyone confirm that I need to spend a lot of time on these 3 chapters or I can skip them and focus more on other chapter and solving problems.

Those last 3 topics seem to be common in other Survey text book but I am not sure if they will be on a 2 1/2 hour exam...

Please help. Thanks in advance

I am a structural with zero survey knowledge plan on taking the 2014 April survey exam.

I have a question regarding to the "survey principles" by Paul A Cumos published by PPI, specifically pertaining to chapter 11, 12, and 13. California coordinates system, Astronomical Observation ( really?) and United States Public Land Systems. Are these on the testing plan? I do not see these topics on the official testing plan. Can anyone confirm that I need to spend a lot of time on these 3 chapters or I can skip them and focus more on other chapter and solving problems.

Those last 3 topics seem to be common in other Survey text book but I am not sure if they will be on a 2 1/2 hour exam...

Please help. Thanks in advance

I can say for sure to skip Chapt 12 / Astronomical Observation. Let me rephrase that - I personally skipped Chapt 12 without anything more than a cursory skim. ;)

As for Chapt 11 / Califiornia Coordinate systems - I don't have my book with me but I remember not skipping this chapter. If I remember, it wasn't overly complicated, right? I'd try to understand the basics of this chapter.

As for Chapt 13 / United States Public Land Systems, is this the chapter that covers townships, ranges, sections (and how they are numbered), base lines, meridians, etc.? You should understand this chapter pretty well.

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Thank you, mrs potato head. I will just have to suck it up and plow through those two chapters but skip astronomical observation chapter. My head just exploded after skim through ch 11, maybe it's not as bad as I think.

Thank you, mrs potato head. I will just have to suck it up and plow through those two chapters but skip astronomical observation chapter. My head just exploded after skim through ch 11, maybe it's not as bad as I think.

That's Mr., not Mrs.! My wife is Mrs. :p

Okay, I am at home and I am looking at my SP book. This is what I did (you decide what's best for you though):

From Chapt 11, I made sure I read/understood items 1-4, pg 99 (CCS, NAD27, NAD 83) as well as the figures on pages 100 and 101. All the rest of the stuff about the shape of the earth and geoids, etc. I pretty much skipped.

Chapt 12 - I skipped entirely.

Chapt 13 - I read it and knew it well (it's short and important so I think you should study it).

Good luck.


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