Civil Surveying Exam- June 2nd to 9th

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Finally took the exam yesterday.

moving between the screen and the drawing booklet was annoying, and I guess wasted some additional time.

In general, problems were fair and the solution by PELS is commendable

Let hope I pass this time.


Finally took the test today; the process was fair and thorough. Prometric checked and flipped through each and every reference book; they were efficient in getting me started. I started a whole 45 minutes early since I got there an hour earlier than my scheduled time. I took my 21'' suitcase with me since it drags; they allowed me to carry the books to my exam desk but the suitcase itself had to stay in the lobby.. which was fine.

They did not allow calculator cases nor waches or phones, but the lockers were handy for that stuff. They are tiny lockers though; maybe 1ft all the way around. I also used the Casio FX115ES. I didn' notice the proctor particularly examining the calculators, maybe she knew them in her head.

My two complaints:

1. NOISE!!!

On the sign in sheet I saw that some people were there to take GRE and other tests as well. Even though they have exam start times;they don't stick to those, so if you get there early, great- you take the test early, but of course that is a distraction to others still taking the test. I was seated next to the door since seats are assigned; and the door opened and closed about a good 20 times and some guy was vigorously typing away for a good amount of time. Wonder what test was he taking;

thank god that they provided ear plugs; they were a must!!! they also have noise cancellation headphones that i didnt personally use; but even the earplugs mitigated a lot of the noise..


I know that the notice said they were 48 X 24 inches , they felt small!! like maybe even 36 X 24 inches... And you had to share that with the monitor, the computer tower, keyboard and the mouse. I had my books sitting on top of the tower at one point. So you gotta organize your material very well..

I did like the review feature which allows you to come back to answer the ones that are unanswered. One interesing thing though that they did not ask me to put my name on the artwork pamphlet; I even mentioned to them that it doesn't have my name and they said that it was okay; I thought that it was odd..

NOW THE WAIITING BEGINS..... goodluck to all!!!

Square and passpe - thanks for taking the time to share your experiences in detail.

passpe, I don't think there is any reason to put your name on the diagram/scratch paper booklet - this booklet is only for your temporary use during the exam and is not graded and is most likely recycled after the exam.

You should be able to find answers to your questions in the Candidate Information Bulletin that is posted at:


Right in the middle of the page is a button to download the bulletin in PDF format
It seems like you are active on the forum again; please shed some light on how the cut scores will be established for the June 2-9th survey exams? Are there going to be different cut scores, or, one? did everyone take the same test? or different tests??

Passpepasspe - I realize that you asked this previously and I haven't responded yet. I've struggled with how detailed I can get with this without sounding too blunt, which I am not inclined to do. And yes, I did intentionally wait until after June 9th to do that.

I'll say it this way...each applicant received an exam "form" that contained the same number of questions and the same percentages of content areas as published in the test specifications for that exam. For example, if the test specifications called for 3 questions that pertained to calculating the closure of a field traverse, each applicant received an equivalent number of questions pertaining to that content area...just not necessarily the same 3 questions.

The cut score is a result of determining how accurately each question meets the criteria for minimal competence...and then totaled for each exam "form" that was administered. And yes there are cross validations performed between all of the exam "forms" to ensure consistency. The cut score is NOT a reflection of the level of performance directly associated with the candidate pool. It is NOT scored on a curve.


Im having flashbacks to my college days when the final exam for a class was held in different sessions for reasons I'll leave out. The exam ended up being given in four different groupings and due to an improvised decision one of the exams was different than the rest. This would have been fine had it not been so different. After much review by surely biased staff members it was still determined that the exams were identical. I dont know how they ever came to that conclusion as the exams were of analysis only except the one different exam was design and analysis. The volume of knowledge required and the time necessary were completely different. To bring this horrid shot from the hip idea to a professional licensing exam is insane.


Im having flashbacks to my college days when the final exam for a class was held in different sessions for reasons I'll leave out. The exam ended up being given in four different groupings and due to an improvised decision one of the exams was different than the rest. This would have been fine had it not been so different. After much review by surely biased staff members it was still determined that the exams were identical. I dont know how they ever came to that conclusion as the exams were of analysis only except the one different exam was design and analysis. The volume of knowledge required and the time necessary were completely different. To bring this horrid shot from the hip idea to a professional licensing exam is insane.
I think this is now pretty standard for high stakes exams administered by CBT and they probably have a few more safeguards in place than your professor.........

Sure you could argue theyve thoroughly made sure questions are equal and its possible they really are (or close enough) but you missed my point. If 7 people all well educated PHds state there is no difference in problems that the entire student body knew were not the same how does one know the case is not the same with this test? Since you cant review it cant protest it and cant discuss it youre left to the mercy of the people making the test. Id like to know how many are reviewing it and calling problems identical. Given the errors Ive seen on problems I have little faith they really know what theyre doing let alone have the capability to determine whats the same and whats not. Calling it like I see it.

It would only be fair to adminster the same exam. I stand by my original statement to do otherwise is insane. Otherwise it invites too much potential to be unfair to some and not others and if you are really lucky you end up with the harder version every time.

And not to throw salt in the wound over a very unfortunate circumstance but Id like to point out the issue that brought about this thread to begin with. This high stakes exam with lots of safeguards in place as you put it was able to put the wrong cover on test books. So Im not so sure your argument has much merit.

And not to throw salt in the wound over a very unfortunate circumstance but Id like to point out the issue that brought about this thread to begin with. This high stakes exam with lots of safeguards in place as you put it was able to put the wrong cover on test books. So Im not so sure your argument has much merit.
You're making my point. More chance of human error with paper exams. If, and I agree it's a big if, you get the statistics and algorithms right and everything programmed right, you got a much better chance of consistency using CBT. But I can already tell from your 3 posts that I you've already made up your mind so I won't try to convince you.

And not to throw salt in the wound over a very unfortunate circumstance but Id like to point out the issue that brought about this thread to begin with. This high stakes exam with lots of safeguards in place as you put it was able to put the wrong cover on test books. So Im not so sure your argument has much merit.
It was actually the right cover on the wrong test booklet. ;)

CAPE, I see your point. But I wouldn't worry too much about it. I doubt that one exam would ever be significantly harder than another. Historically, only a 55% or so is needed to pass. I doubt one exam would be so hard that someone who studied and is prepared couldn't answer 28+ problems to pass. It's time that is the killer, not the difficultly level of the problems.

how certain are you about the 55%??? I swear every time I've taken it I've felt like I had at least 35 problems correct but kept failing last time was 4th)......Im hope you are right. Its the only part for me.

how certain are you about the 55%??? I swear every time I've taken it I've felt like I had at least 35 problems correct but kept failing last time was 4th)......Im hope you are right. Its the only part for me.
LF, when the state used to post the passing score, it was always 50%-60% needed to pass. Same with Seismic. How did you feel about this last exam? If you ever need help or have any questions, please feel free to ask. Good luck. You are so close!

Otherwise it invites too much potential to be unfair to some and not others and if you are really lucky you end up with the harder version every time.
How is that any different from the scenario between any april vs. october test. in the past or in future. Couldn't one argue that april was easier than october? or vice versa.

how certain are you about the 55%??? I swear every time I've taken it I've felt like I had at least 35 problems correct but kept failing last time was 4th)......Im hope you are right. Its the only part for me.
I feel ya. same boat as you. need this misery to be over.

Otherwise it invites too much potential to be unfair to some and not others and if you are really lucky you end up with the harder version every time.
How is that any different from the scenario between any april vs. october test. in the past or in future. Couldn't one argue that april was easier than october? or vice versa.
I think the argument is that if everyone has the same exact exam for a given administration, it's easy to set one cut score for all candidates. If the exams are all different within the same administration, how do you fairly determine the cut score(s)?

It's possible that the board has begun mailing results for these exams. Last week this message was posted under the refile examination forms:

The refile Application for licensing as a civil engineer is not available at this time.

The Board will post this form once the Civil Engineering – California Seismic Principles Exam and the California Engineering Surveying Exam results are sent out near the end of June 2012.

This message has been removed now and the Civil Form is available.

The Civil Refile form is now available on the California Board's web site so those current applicants that are not waiting on April 2012 results can proceed with submitting their refile applications.

As previously stated, the Board expects to release the April 2012 Civil results (both exams) closer to the end of June.

I know result will be out this Friday. With all the effort to pass the test and by god grace if we pass all the parts for PE, how soon we can see our names in the board website license look up? Will i be able to see it on Friday ? Can somebody share from your past experiance?


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