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Master slacker

Something awesome.
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Da Bayou

The Saints actually won! w00t!!! Never thought I'd see this day.

I couldn't be happier. Not only did the Dolts lose, but that retard Peyton Manning through the pick six that iced the game.

****** game, and not too many good commercials, IMO.

bah humbug.

I guess my Steelers can't be in it every year. :)

Punxatawny Polamalu was funny though.

Agreed. Game stunk until the 4th quarter, x2 on the Polamalu commercial.

As much as I can't stand the pro-Saints ******** at work, I'm glad they won. I wanted to see someone different win, and I've been rooting for the Saints the most next to my Jets for the past few years because they always seem to play with a lot of energy. I didn't think they'd pull it off after being down 10-0 though. Manning was just picking them apart early on.

I was so happy to see the Saints win! Drew Brees is my absolute favorite quarter back! Yay! I've never been so happy about the ending of football for the drought called the offseason.

I thought it was a pretty good game. At least it wasn't a blow-out. I'm not a Saints fan, but you can't help but like Brees. He seems like an all around good guy. Bush on the other hand seems like a prick, but what can you do? The commercials weren't that great though. I don't know what was up, but I really didn't laugh at too many of them.

Now comes the agonizing wait until football season starts again.

There's something humorous that I saw this morning on the news... there's a chance for "wintery mix" or even "snow" on Thursday night. :tv:

The commercials have stunk for several years now. The only one I thought was humorous was at the beginning - Bud Light house. Come to think of it, I like the punxsutawney one as well.

Damn, I figured when Indy got the ball back with 5 minutes left, they would score like they always do. When was the last time Manning threw a pick-6 in a big spot?

I don't think NO converted the 2 point conversion.

Major league grapefruit sized balls though for onside kicking it to start the second half of the Superbowl.

Well, I thought it was a pretty good game. Not a blowout and the result was in question all the way down to three minutes. If you were rooting for the Colts you might have though it was ****** I guess, since they didn't look so good. Adai had a good game. I was really puzzled about Manning. Every time they showed him on the sidelines, he was just sitting there staring into space. No studying, no planning, just sitting.

The Polamalu add was so-so, but it left me wondering if we set a record for midget-themed ads this year? I think the Dodge Charger ad was one of my favorites (even thougt I wouldn't buy one), or at least the best car ad. The Betty White ad was OK.

We had to nearly restrain our daughter to keep her from going to the quarter after the game.

anyone but the damn saints!
Yeah, I'm sorry, but the Falcons did suck this year didn't they.

Who dat!

As an Oilers fan, I'm happy Bud Adams still doesn't have a super bowl trophy.

As a football fan that does not have any idea on how football should be played I do not give a darn. It was good to see a team like the Saints winning. I do not dislike the Colts. So I enjoyed the game.

On Side Kick to start the second half was a momemtum changing play.
