They say that the level of difficulty alternates every exam. If the Seismic was hard in April it will be difficult in October. The same applies to the Surveying exam.If the cut off for April was 30, then hopefully, this time should be lower.Don't know.
Hahaha..that is true. LOL. Football Season is to be blamed for our poor test result. I missed my school's football game because I had to take Seismic and Surveying. During the test, I was thinking...I hope we won against Oregon State. LOL.That is true. For Survey, there were only 46 problems in April and the cutoff was 30. The exam was tough this time and had 50 problems, but there were some direct questions. So I think the cutoff will still be around 30. Seismic was tougher than Survey, and that's what I also heard that the level of difficulty alternates between the two every time. My colleague told me that Seismic was lot easier in April.
Anyways, as far as pass rate being lower in October, I think the fact that this is sports season adds onto it. I know for sure I would have studied better if I was not watching college football, EPL and NFL.
I though the survey section was not too hard, finished with about 20 minutes to go back and double check some of my answers. The seismic on the other hand was difficult and could only really answer about half the problems. I had to fly from Louisiana to San Diego to take the exam, home to Phoenix and back to work in Louisiana in three days. I hope I don’t have to do that again.