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^^^Oh c'mon guys, this is the ask a woman engineer a question thread, not a place to talk about ****s and college football... you are supposed to ASK the women engineers about their ****s and college football...

I'm sorry.

Ahem, Ladies...

Where do you think Tommy Tubberville will be coaching this time next year?

I think it will be Texas A&M. It seems as though it will be a good fit, and we all know Mike Sherman is not the man you want leading a college program. Not saying it was the worst hire ever, but is 4-8 really what they expected? Another sub .500 season, and Sherman is out.

Then again, I think the leash may be short on Randy Shannon down in Miami. It will be unfair, considering that Larry Coker recruited like he was playing EA Sports NCAA 05 football, and Randy has really improved this team (good recruiting classes coming in). But, their schedule opens up with FSU, GT, Va. Tech, and Oklahoma. It's reasonable to believe the will begin 0-4, and with that the best they can hope for is 7-5. After a 12-13 start to his career, 19-18 is not what the U demands. Unfortunately, I don't think he'll be in Miami much longer.

With all the new coaches in the SEC, do you see anyone getting fired/leaving soon? Neither do I, so I think that's out.

All in all, I think aTm will be the most likely candidate. I think we can all agree that this time next year Tommy T will be preparing for fall ball, don't you?

Good thread. My SO and I have been through many of the topics covered in this thread, sounds like we're normal.

Some of her family is absolutely crazy (eg Black Belt Southern Baptist types) so dealing with them is always fun.

... over who can win my wife's affection with material objects. My MIL has a lot more money than I do so I choose not to compete.

YOU have a bigger problem that you want to admit. Why are you trying to buy your wife's affection? That doesn't speak very highly of either one of you. Do you have a business agreement or a marriage?

YOU have a bigger problem that you want to admit. Why are you trying to buy your wife's affection? That doesn't speak very highly of either one of you. Do you have a business agreement or a marriage?

I'm done talking about this. I'm glad you're able to judge my entire marriage based on a couple of stupid ass posts on the interwebs. I shouldn't have used the words "winning my wife's affection".

Good thread. My SO and I have been through many of the topics covered in this thread, sounds like we're normal.
Some of her family is absolutely crazy (eg Black Belt Southern Baptist types) so dealing with them is always fun.
I agree. We've dealt with a lot of in-law issues. Many of them on my side. This thread is making me feel normal.

YOU have a bigger problem that you want to admit. Why are you trying to buy your wife's affection? That doesn't speak very highly of either one of you. Do you have a business agreement or a marriage?
That was sort of taken out of context.

He didn't say he was trying to, he said his mother-in-law was able to.

And I don't think that was so much a "my wife can be bought" as much as a "my mother-in-law can do 'such and such' and everything be forgiven/forgotten".

My MIL is like that. She can be hateful as ever to my wife, and one random act of quasi-kindness and she's back up to Mother of the Year in her eyes.

If there is one thing I've learned from this board, it is that engineers are extremely judgmental. There have been a lot of harsh comments made by people that only know bits and pieces of a whole story.

And now to try to right the thread to where it started...

Have any of the female engineers here found it useful to be a woman in the engineering field? In what ways?

If there is one thing I've learned from this board, it is that engineers are extremely judgmental. There have been a lot of harsh comments made by people that only know bits and pieces of a whole story.
You're absolutely right. I jumped into that without thinking. My intent is usually to help the situation, and if my comments did harm, I'm sorry.

Have any of the female engineers here found it useful to be a woman in the engineering field? In what ways?
I'll bite.

I find I'm rather memorable....I don't have to struggle to be noticed or remembered. Now and then, this is embarrassing if I can't return the favor, but all in all it's a plus.

Have any of the female engineers here found it useful to be a woman in the engineering field? In what ways?
Occasionally, there is consideration given to a female engineer that would not be given to a man, BUT it doesn't make up for the crap.

Occasionally, there is consideration given to a female engineer that would not be given to a man, BUT it doesn't make up for the crap.
overall I agree that female engineers get undeserved crap at times

but everyone gets some bias:

there's the "kid" who looks fresh out of college who can't get respect and the greybeard who is assumed to be a has-been...even though they're both great engineers.

Us females don't get to try living out our careers as male engineers -- so I guess we'll never really know for sure how much we're treated differently (or not?).

I expect to be respected for what I know and for my talents -- and usually, I get what I expect. I also assume the best of people until I have no other choice. It's really easy to take offense when none is intended if you go looking for it.

overall I agree that female engineers get undeserved crap at times
but everyone gets some bias:

there's the "kid" who looks fresh out of college who can't get respect and the greybeard who is assumed to be a has-been...even though they're both great engineers.

Us females don't get to try living out our careers as male engineers -- so I guess we'll never really know for sure how much we're treated differently (or not?).

I expect to be respected for what I know and for my talents -- and usually, I get what I expect. I also assume the best of people until I have no other choice. It's really easy to take offense when none is intended if you go looking for it.
What do you mean by that?! j/k

I'll bite.
I find I'm rather memorable....I don't have to struggle to be noticed or remembered. Now and then, this is embarrassing if I can't return the favor, but all in all it's a plus.
This happens to me all the time at big work conferences. They can all remember who I am, but I struggle to keep all the middle aged white men separate. They all kinda look the same :)

Sometimes there is the advantage of someone wanting to take care of you, just because you're a girl. Maybe it's the secretary, maybe it's a contractor...but just for gender, they are looking out for you. On the flip side, sometimes there are people who want to make your life hard because you're a girl...especially secretaries. It's a wash in the end.

Overall, I come into work to do my job just like any male would. I don't necessarily approach things any differently. Once I walk in the door, I'm an engineer.


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