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2-time 10K winner
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Frumunda my desk
I predict that Florida and other states will start receiving them on Thursday June 14th. I think that at least 5 states will have them mailed by Friday the 15th, and results received by Saturday the 16th.

I predict ELSES mails them to directs and to the states on Wednesday June 13th.

Let's hear some theories.

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Let's hear some theories.
I propose the following theories on the extinction of the dinosaurs:

1. A metabolic disorder relate to thinning of egg shells during incubation due to variations in certain hormones. The embryos would die, as the shells would be unable to protect them from predation and dehydration. Therefore within a very short space of time all the dinosaurs could have died out if no infants survived. Also related to shell defects, is the idea that multi-layer egg shells formed, with two or three shells on individual eggs, which would suffocate any embryo. This idea is based on studies of French and Spanish dinosaur eggs found in the Pyrenees.

2. Mental disorders, including a decrease in brain size resulting in stupidity. There is evidence that many of the large dinosaurs, must have had very small brains in comparison to their total body size, possibly as small as a kitten's brain. With such small brain capacity responses to the surrounding environment would have been so slow that they could not compete with faster thinking animals.

3. With the increase and diversification of plants that lose their leaves seasonally, such as deciduous trees, there would have been less food available throughout the year for the herbivore dinosaurs. If the herbivores died out, the carnivores would also have nothing to eat, resulting in their death also.

4. Wobbling of the galactic plane. If the angle of this plane varies, dust and meteorites can be swept into our Universe, and there are more impact events than usual. There is some evidence that extinction events occur approximately every 26 million years. Wobbling of the galactic plane occurs on a similar frequency, and therefore the two events have been linked together with limited success.

FYI Ohio's FE and PE 2007 April NCEES exam results are not expected until after the first week of June. The results will be mailed by ELSES. The Board will not be able to give exam results over the phone or by email.


I have always proposed the theroy of planetary inflation. Meaning, the Earth is growing. It exlpains many things, including plate tectonics. The Earth is continually growing in mass, and therefore gravitational force at its surface increases over time. The existance of huge animals such as dinosaurs and insects was once possible, but no longer likely due to greater gravitational forces. Thes animals continue to exist today, but in smaller forms. What likely happened 65 million years ago was not necessarily a sudden increase in the Earth's mass, but rather the passing of a "tipping point" in the earth's mass that made the continued existence of these enormous beasts impossible. Smaller animals that had evolved in the meantime, such as birds and mammals, were the able to thrive with the reduced competition.


I predict that Florida and other states will start receiving them on Thursday June 14th. I think that at least 5 states will have them mailed by Friday the 15th, and results received by Saturday the 16th.
I predict ELSES mails them to directs and to the states on Wednesday June 13th.

Let's hear some theories.
I think Florida will get the results on the 13th of June. 1 day earlier than last April. AT least that is the day i am planning on the party!!!

NJ took just over 10 weeks to get the October results out - that would put my results some time around 7/6 (figuring Wednesday is the 4th of July)... so I'll give them 11 weeks.


NJ took just over 10 weeks to get the October results out - that would put my results some time around 7/6 (figuring Wednesday is the 4th of July)... so I'll give them 11 weeks.
Results for the states of NJ, CT, VA and the territory of Puerto Rico (PR) are administrated by an agency called pcs - Engineering Examination Services. They usually send the results two weeks after FL and others. What a pain!

In our case we have no option other than looking this website, looking how the other people celebrate!

In NJ it appears that the PE board must vote on releasing the PE exam results. For the April 2005 exam the board voted to release the results at the 6/16/05 meeting and for the April 2006 exam the board vote to release the results at the 7/20/06 meeting. This year the board has scheduled meetings for 6/21 and 7/19. So I think it is safe to say we will get the results in NJ before the deadline to apply for the October 2007 exam.

Results for the states of NJ, CT, VA and the territory of Puerto Rico (PR) are administrated by an agency called pcs - Engineering Examination Services. They usually send the results two weeks after FL and others. What a pain!
They also handle Mass. I dealt with them when applying there, and they were pretty reasonable and efficient to deal with. The fact that you have to deal with a middle man rather than the board directly definitely adds time to the process though.

The wait is driving me crazy. I looked back through old forums and saw that for NC (my state) the results were posted on June 20, 2006 and June 13, 2005.

The wait is driving me crazy. I looked back through old forums and saw that for NC (my state) the results were posted on June 20, 2006 and June 13, 2005.
You guys are lucky. In CA, we can't have the results until early August, which is almost 2 months more waiting. :)

Results for the states of NJ, CT, VA and the territory of Puerto Rico (PR) are administrated by an agency called pcs - Engineering Examination Services. They usually send the results two weeks after FL and others. What a pain!
Pennsylvania also uses Engineering Examination Services. It surely slows things down to have a middleman, but I found the people at EES considerably more helpful than anyone at the state Board office. For example, they answer the phone when you call EES.

That susks and you have to listen to monday night football in your car home from work.
MNF kicks off at like 6:15 there. You can probably get home before it even starts.

I don't even watch MNF unless I have a real good reason too. The production is so goofy, and by the time the first quarter ends its bedtime.

I was always glad to live in the east during football season. The fact that the games don't start until 1 meant I could actually get some stuff done in the morning.

I've spent some time in Washington and the games come on with breakfast.

MNF kicks off at like 6:15 there. You can probably get home before it even starts.
I don't even watch MNF unless I have a real good reason too. The production is so goofy, and by the time the first quarter ends its bedtime.
but i am hating it when a good game is on and i have to stay up until 1:00 in the morning. There are always late arrivals on tuesdays during football season. I am always jeoulus of CA at about midnight during every game.
