Waiting on Maryland ?

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Anyone tried this yet?


have to create password and use EIT registration number for reg number. Some people reported last year that they were able to apply and pay for PE license just before NCEES released the results.

Last year could have been different though. Maryland board mentioned there were some issues with system last year.

By the way, I see nothing yet for mine.

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Anyone tried this yet?


have to create password and use EIT registration number for reg number. Some people reported last year that they were able to apply and pay for PE license just before NCEES released the results.

Last year could have been different though. Maryland board mentioned there were some issues with system last year.

By the way, I see nothing yet for mine.
Nothing when I try.

Called PCS this morning.

"Hi, Do you know when MD PE results are going to be released?"

"No I do not know the exact date"

"Do you know an approximate date"

"No, you will just have to keeping checking NCEES"

If you're going to keep refreshing something it should be your PCS page. Virginia results were on PCS Friday and didn't show up on NCEES until Monday.

Same here. I had some good responses yesterday. Today I got from PCS: "We dont have timeline. May be by end of this week but no guarantees, check NCEES email"

PE board; "We do not have any timelines, check NCEES email"

So now, we just wait for the NCEES emial?

PCS didn't release any results today. I still hope to see the MD result come out in the afternoon.

Per response posted on DLLR's Facebook page- Results should be out by the end of the week. It was posted 3 hours ago....

So I had emailed a person I had previous email exchanges with as well (after getting, go check NCEES email responses). She responded:

"[SIZE=11pt]You will have your results before the end of the week.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=small]Thanks for your patience."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=small]So I am thinking Friday the latest. Any earlier, count your blessings. [/SIZE]

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So I had emailed a person I had previous email exchanges with as well (after getting, go check NCEES email responses). She responded:

"[SIZE=11pt]You will have your results before the end of the week.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=small]Thanks for your patience."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=small]So I am thinking Friday the latest. Any earlier, count your blessings. [/SIZE]

I'd be more understanding if they would explain why it takes so long to get us results. I miss the old days where they would just a list of those who passed on their website.

That sucks. This would be the first business day since December 4th that PE results were not released for a new state(s).

Yesterday, PCS released results around 4pm est. So I still don't believe they won't post anything today.

I just spoke to the DLLR's exam coordinator, she said that they've been trying to reconcile the result but the system had problems all day and is currently down. She is hoping they will be able to get the results to us by tomorrow.

So go home and enjoy your evening guys. We start F5-ing again tomorrow.

PA results came out late yesterday, so only MD remains among the PCS states.


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