The Walking Dead

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I couldnt tell but do you think the hitchhiker got run over and then eaten or just eaten by walkers?

AMC and this show have done a great job with the "talking dead" concept, they probably get to bill the same tier advertising with little investment with just no name guests and this creepy nerdy host... we watch mainly just for the shot to see a sneak peek at next weeks episode..

I thought he was killed by walkers but you have a good point. Now that I think about it cannot tell. Maybe another car drove by and ran over him believing he was a walker.

I cannot believe a zombie show hooked me. That was the last thing I was expecting but it is true. Not only me, my whole family is watching the show.

I liked it better when they showed the episode twice in a row then did a half hour of talking dead.

Christine killed the hitch-hiker.


I'm pretty sure it was walkers that got the hitchhiker. Even though it was alittle slow, I liked the Morgan episode. I havent watched the Talking part because i just figured they were telling me what I just saw. Is there more to it?

I was a bit bored w/ last nite's episode. Think I woulda armed 'ol Merl up & turned him loose, see what happens.

What'd the governor have hidden under the table? Didn't look like a piece anyways...

Last night's episode was definitely booooooooring.

Glenn and Maggie farewell sex?
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I guess they still dont have the money for non stop action like 24, but two slow episodes in a row are bad for my morale...

Funny I was thinking the same thing. What would the harm be in letting ol Merl loose?

Id have to shoot him in the head before darryl got back and just say he went missing..

Yet another unrealistic plot twist. If Merle had tortured me or my girlfriend, there is no way I would let him live, half-crazed brother or not.

& why are all their actors british? when I watch the talking dead it seems 90% of their actors are from the UK, are American Zombie Killers not good enough for AMC? I have a hard time seeing Rick look like a bad ass when he talks with that cute british accent..

& why are all their actors british?

Britain is quite close to the zombie apocolypse. They don't have to try very hard to act.

Now I shall listen to God Save the Queen, by the illustrius SeX PiStoLs. Cranked to 11.

My bet is that Daryl will kill Ramirez (or it is Martinez???) with the baseball bat.

My family is anxious right now since in the comic book Glenn is killed with a bat. Everybody, including me, is hoping that does not happen. Glenn is a fan favorite.
