The Walking Dead

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why he wasn't shot as soon as he raised the sword against Herschel is a bit mindboggling

Because the script said so. Something told me Herschel was going to die after the speech he gave to Maggie (before entering the area to treat the sick people). I did not expect him dying like that.

Hershel could have been saved. The Gov had 12 guns trained on him. I don't think any plot point was moved along by him dying. I guess they just needed to keep us guessing as to who will live and die. Losing the jail will definitely help move things along though. Just gotta wait til February now.

I think if they take 2 months off they should show more than that brat Carl, we know he doesn't die, so stop teasing us like he is gonna die....

Note to self: don't watch The Walking Dead right before bed anymore. It wasn't the gore that kept me from getting a good night's sleep, it was what almost happened to Judith. It was f'ed up that they even showed her face while it was happening.

Got caught up last night. They moved the story along quite a bit, thankfully. If I have to watch them creep down another dark passageway with a candle again, I think I may have to cheer for the zombies. I forgot Rick didn't tell the black guy about Carol killing his girlfriend. That should prove interesting.

and everyone always gets bitten on either the lower leg or neck.. I know you cant do much for the neck but I would definately be wearing some type of leg protection full time. hell even some carhart jeans might work..

Heck I would walk around smeared in zombie guts all the time. We already know that's an effective deterrent.

Not to put too much thought into this, but wouldn't their teeth be falling out since they are dead? I wouldn't think they would be razor sharp as they appear to be. She didn't eat the bunnies. She just killed 'em, I think. I thought they were showing us something important on the logs at one point but couldn't make out what it was. I think she just likes to kill things.

As I watched last Sunday's episode and the sexual tension between Darryl and Beth I couldnt help think of Eurpoean Vacations "Hey Dad, I think he's going to Pork her" line......

Good thing the actress that plays Beth is 28 years old.

I can predict the rest of this season..

they will spend 5 or 6 more episodes of the main characters wandering around and then the last one 75% of them will be reunited in some new town/ maggie and glenn will be seperated until next season

and thats my prediction and I havent read the comics past last season........
