The Dandelion!

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Prior to Dex posting that picture, this may have been the longest thread I've read where the conversation didn't get derailed into something sexual or anatomical. Good job guys!

^^^ and it's still mostly on track. It only counts as derailed if the rest of the thread follows the tangent...

Derailing continues.. Thanks in part to Ble for sharing this last month.


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And I just thought of something following my last comment. Do you find it funny that bonelesss plots of muscle, fat, and skin can be awesome? That's all it is; a mass of soft tissue.

I was out pulling the little yellow devils and I noticed they seem to be getting stronger, more powerful than ever. Perhaps they like the fight. One plant had (13) flowers on it. Mocking me all the way!!!

The weed I've had the most problem with this year are thistle. Some sick & twisted love child between a dandelion and cactus. Really sucks when you find them with your bare feet...

Good thing is that the weed & feed seems to work well on them too, except in areas where I don't get good coverage (typically along the border between sod & sidewalk).

Easiest way to kill them is to pull them up. Unfortunately, the only way to pull them is with a chain, a winch, and a 5000lb deadman...

Update... So we decided to spray with vinegar for the past couple of weeks. They do seem to be dying. It has taking 3 gallons thus far and multiple spray attempts. We'll see once the rains come (monsoon comes typically in July) if they are actually dead or just temporarily slowed down. Keep in mind, I had soe that were bigger than any head of cabbage I had ever seen. Die you yellow Bas%^^rds!
