Pissed Off at the Neighbors

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Jr. PE / Sr. Company Pilot
May 18, 2007
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While I was out of town this last weekend to attend a funeral, my wife received a voice message on her phone followed shortly thereafter by a text message on mine. It seems our neighbor's water heater broke and since it would be expensive to have a plumber come out on a Sunday, would I mind if they used our shower? These two not only knew we were out of town, they knew why we were out of town.

I was a little put off by the idea of loaning out my shower period, much less either giving my garage access code to the neighbor while I was out of town. Add to this the fact that I wasn't exactly enjoying a day at the beach when they asked. They haven't spoken to us since we got back. Am I right to be more than just a little annoyed by this?

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I guess it all depends on how well you know the neighbors. I don't see this as a totally outrageous thing to ask a neighbor that I knew pretty well. I guess their timing was bad and you were understandably probably a little on edge. Had it been under different circumstances do you think your reaction might have been different?

That does seem to be a weird request, given the circumstances. I would have been annoyed too.

I guess it all depends on how well you know the neighbors. I don't see this as a totally outrageous thing to ask a neighbor that I knew pretty well. I guess their timing was bad and you were understandably probably a little on edge. Had it been under different circumstances do you think your reaction might have been different?
That's just it, I'm not sure if my reaction would have been different had I been gone for another purpose. Thing is, these two are kind of hippy dippy trippy people that have a habit of getting on my nerves anyway. I may have just been looking for a reason to actually be pi$$ed.

That's just it, I'm not sure if my reaction would have been different had I been gone for another purpose. Thing is, these two are kind of hippy dippy trippy people that have a habit of getting on my nerves anyway. I may have just been looking for a reason to actually be pi$$ed.
If that are hippies why do they need to shower? I guess under the circumstances, they probably should have known better. Aren't there any other neighbors around who were in town they could have asked?

The guy's mother lives about a half hour down the road. I think that's where they went for their showers. The more I think about it, the main thing that gets me is that we were their first option.

I would be pretty torqued off too!

I am also a pretty private person (believe it or not) and don't/wouldn't like people to have access to my house while I am away. Especially if they have some habit that already makes me feel at dis-ease with them.


I don't know how exactly I would have taken it, but looking from the opposite side, I can see absolutely no way I would ask my neighbors for access to their house to shower while they were away, unless they were my very best friends or family. Even then I wouldn't be happy to do it, and I'd probably look high and low for every possible alternative, even if it meant parting with a nickel or so. First, I wouldn't want to take responsibility if anything went wrong, and second, to me that is really imposing. It would be a little different if you were at home. But if I couldn't find a relative or friend that was home and would let me do it, I think I would really try to find another way.

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It would bother me too if the neighbors asked like that. With three kids, at least one part of the house is messy. Maybe if they call an hour ahead of time, we can make sure everythings presentable. But for them to call, while you're away, is insane.

thats why I never leave my sex swing hanging in the living room when we go out of town!

As others have said, it deoends on how close/good friends you are witht he neighbors. I assume from the post that you never responded. Good answer.

I'd leave it there and not get pissed about it. Your silence is the best answer. They tried and it didn't work out. Sounds like they weren't your best friends and still aren't. so what.

I agree it was pretty brazen to call/bother you when they know you're out of town for a funeral.

Also, what's the BFD about not showering for a day? Some people don't shower for a week.

How do you hide the eye bolts? I've hung plants from the bolts, but they still scream "hey look at my sex swing bolts!".
When we were thinking about installing one, we thought about "hiding" it with a ceiling light of some type. We never got beyond the talking about it stage... so didn't actually look into how realistic that would be.

truth be told we dont have one, but If I ever finish the basement in thats where it will go, there will be a section I have to do with a suspended ceiling, so that will work great!

They look like they would be a lot of fun.

How do you hide the eye bolts? I've hung plants from the bolts, but they still scream "hey look at my sex swing bolts!".
the bolts just blend in / get lost due to the reflections from the mirrors and the light dots from the disco ball.

I am thinking this needs to be added to my pre-nuptial ...

"Add - sex swing in one room dedicated for acts of pervision."


