PA Results

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Ridiculous - the state board knew that PCS would have to process the results. Why in God's name would they say with any certainty that the results would be out today?

What a joke. At this rate, it would of been quicker to take the test in another state and get reciprocity to PA.

One would think that the board, made up of engineers/surveyors, would understand the discourse and negativity this brings to PA. How difficult to bring to motion and implement a few changes at a board meeting......PA is one of the most industrialized and technical capable states in our union, but the last to get these results out....I mean really....CA has been out for weeks??

So they get the results sent over from PCS...........then sit on them for two more weeks..........before sending giving PCS the ok to process the results........on a STANDARDIZED NATIONAL TEST? It seems to me like someone is either a) powertripping B) trying to justify their job

I don't know about the rest of you, but if I pass the test, I'm writing to the state board demanding an answer as to why a majority of the states are able to approve the scores within 5 business days, and it takes PA almost an entire month!

It seems to me like someone is either a) powertripping B) trying to justify their job
I'm very curious to know, what exactly the board does with the scores. Since it is a standardized test, I wouldn't believe that they would be able to alter the pass/fail results of anyone's test. I'm sure there must be some sort of value added service they provide, but my patience is growing paper thin, as is everyone else's.

Looking back, the earliest I heard about results getting released was Dec 17th (shooting from the hip here, I haven't scoured the forum). So if you do the math, accounting for the holiday that's about 12 business days. I'm sure no one at the State Board was working the week of Christmas, so it's probably more in the ballpark of 9. I suppose it's not really that bad, but when you're on this end of the deal the wait is excruciating.

Texas and Nevada went December 12th..... The sad thing is that PA hasn't released the FE results yet either and NCEES released those to states a week before the PE results

That's what I don't get. What on earth is taking them so long to simply "approve" already graded exams.

FYI, the first states to release scores were Texas and Nevada, and they did so on December 12th.

I'm not in PA, but most states release scores, but hold off on giving PE certificates until they rereview applications, references, ect not sure why? It sounds like PA may issue scores and certificates at the same time...I have known I passed in Missouri for a while, but still no certificate.

I'm not in PA, but most states release scores, but hold off on giving PE certificates until they rereview applications, references, ect not sure why? It sounds like PA may issue scores and certificates at the same time...I have known I passed in Missouri for a while, but still no certificate.
I don't know. One of my co-workers passed a few years back in April. He said he got his scores in June, but then didn't get his certificate until September.

I don't know about the rest of you, but if I pass the test, I'm writing to the state board demanding an answer as to why a majority of the states are able to approve the scores within 5 business days, and it takes PA almost an entire month!
Suggest filing a Freedom of Information Act request. Make them back up what they say. Otherwise they will give you an indirect hollow answer.

Majorly Disappointed. (Although not as much as if I failed). Hope Monday is the day.

If only half the time that was spent on writing laws forcing women to look at ultrasounds was spent instead on trying to make state board more efficient. tisk tisk

cheers to all the PA takers....hopefully Monday brings better news (easy for me to say on a beach in Cancun :p)

I sure hope tomorrow is the day. Been traveling for work and it keeps bouncing around in my head. "Did I pass, did I pass, did I pass,,, ?"

I can't believe ya'll are still waiting! Of course years ago TN didn't release results until around mid January.

This have gotten faster.

Good luck to all.


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