NFL Football 2011

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OMFG!!!! If you see the replay of johnny knox getting hurt...his back got bent backwards in the wrong back is killing me just thinkingabout it.

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The bears are basically toast for the season, too many key players out or injuryed

cutler, forte, knox are out and hesters ankle is messed up so he isn't playing full speed.

I picked Chicago yesterday too. I'm in a large pool and most people bombed yesterday, so many early upsets.

Sorry DV, but please go 49ers tonight. It would put NE in a position to control their own destiny as far as the 1 seed goes.

The Falcons actually sent out playoff ticket invoices? what the hell are they thinking? at best they will be a #5 seed, and after they get killed by the SAints Monday they will have to pray to be a 6th seed, and then most likely will loose the wild card game, unless they play Dallas who sucks! ;)

I just dont understand the, hey go ahead and send us $500 in case a miracle happens and we get a home game in the playoffs? WTF ??????

Watched the NE/Den game on Suday and walked away with two thoughts:

1) I have to admit that the Broncos looked better than they have in weeks past (minus the turnovers in the 2nd quarter). Their defense was exposed a bit by the TE-heavy offense, but I'm sure they'll work on that for next week (not that they'll face another TE-heavy team again).

2) New England only really has a passing game. That's it. No running game to speak of, their defense leaks like a sieve, and they have a middle of the road special teams.

If you take away the mental mistakes the Broncos made in the 2nd quarter, that game plays out A LOT differently. I actually look forward to a rematch in the playoffs...

STEELERS - 69'rs tonight.

With James Harrison and Maurkice Pauncey both out, and Big Ben questionable, I don't feel so great about it.

STEELERS need it to keep ahead of the Ravens. Home field and a bye would be much nicer than #5 seed wild card, but we won the Super Bowl a few years ago as a wildcard, so either way. :)

2) New England only really has a passing game. That's it. No running game to speak of, their defense leaks like a sieve, and they have a middle of the road special teams.
The opposite could be said for Denver. They spent a lot of time comparing Tebow and Brady's throwing motion, but devoted no time to completion percentage comparisons. Tebow has no accuracy or real range as a passing QB. He only completed 50% of his passes last night, and that was above his season average. Just about every other starting QB in the league is over 60% for the year, and the elite QBs are near 70%.

2) New England only really has a passing game. That's it. No running game to speak of, their defense leaks like a sieve, and they have a middle of the road special teams.
The opposite could be said for Denver. They spent a lot of time comparing Tebow and Brady's throwing motion, but devoted no time to completion percentage comparisons. Tebow has no accuracy or real range as a passing QB. He only completed 50% of his passes last night, and that was above his season average. Just about every other starting QB in the league is over 60% for the year, and the elite QBs are near 70%.
On the plus side, when he misses, he misses his receivers so badly the defenders don't have a chance to catch the ball either. He has the lowest interception percentage in the league...

2) New England only really has a passing game. That's it. No running game to speak of, their defense leaks like a sieve, and they have a middle of the road special teams.
Mesko is a really good punter, and Gostkowski is steady if not the biggest leg in town. Slater is a good gunner. They are better at punt coverage than kickoffs.

As for the running game, the Law Firm is reliable at RB, will not break one for 82 yards but never puts the ball on the grass unlike his predecessor (Maroney). He can't catch a ball out of the backfield to save his life though. Woodhead plays the Kevin Faulk role and get a couple big 1st downs a game.

But yeah, the run game is not enough to keep the defense honest.

I thought Denver made NE's kick coverage look better than it should. Anytime the return guy muffs 2 kicks in the same game, the kicking team automatically looks that much better despite not really doing anything.

^Mesko was NE's first half MVP yesterday. 6 booming punts while the offense crapped all over themselves.

I don't know what they changed at halftime, the timing on O was wayyyyyyy off in the first half. The patchwork offensive line doesn't help.

Looks like the NFL has caught up with Tebow. I'm a little scared to see what DV's Steelers are gonna do to him.

Looks like the NFL has caught up with Tebow. I'm a little scared to see what DV's Steelers are gonna do to him.
From Rocky III - Clubber Lang, Do you have any predictions for this match-up? PAIN.

Proud fan of a #1 seeded team that will probably get destroyed come Divisional weekend. Ugh.
I am not so sure. Although the STEELERS beat the Patriots in the regular season, historically the Pats have had Pittsburgh's #.

I see Pittsburgh putting in on Denver, but I'm not that confident about beating New England.

Baltimore (as much as I hate those ba$tards) are a force in the AFC this year.

I think Green Bay makes it back in the NFC, but I think the AFC order goes:

1. Baltimore

2. New England

3. Pittsburgh

Of course, if we make it back, I'll be talking smack, etc. etc.


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