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Yeah, Fantastic Four hasn't been all that great, except for Jessica Alba of course.

Iron Man looks like it is gonna be really good.

Yeah, I was geeking out when I saw the preview on Sunday. We were with the wifes friends and they are all accountants (her included) and have never touched a comic book. I was getting mad fun of big time, but I didn't care as I knew it was geeks like us that gave them batteries and calculators so they could crunch numbers.

Season 10 of SG1 is good, I like "200" a lot.

I wonder what the next comic book will make the jump to the big screen. I heard something about Capitan America and Dragon Ball Z, but I am wanting to see the info on the JLA movie in production.

Green Lantern would be a good movie, but it has to be done right with all the crazy weapons and objects like in the movie. Not like the weak ass GL they had in the JLA cartoon.

I got all excited during the Iron Man preview too, but mostly because I had no idea that was what was coming until I heard first couple notes of the song. That was one of the best surprise previews I have ever seen. (But only because it was a surprise to me - it played before Colverfield last week in the theater. I had no idea an Iron Man movie was even in the works)

I knew Ironman was being made but I wasn't sure that the writer's strike was pushing it back for whatever reason.

Great link Hockeyfan! There's some really good stuff in the works!!

Jumper, coming out on February 14, looks good. Interesting that they are releasing it on Valentine's Day. I wouldn't classify it as a date flick.

I'm torn about the Wall-E movie...if they are just trying to recreate the whole Johny-5 experience, then I don't want to see it.

I'm torn about the Wall-E movie...if they are just trying to recreate the whole Johny-5 experience, then I don't want to see it.
I didn't know what either of those were so I wikipediaed (is that a word?) it.

I generally like animated movies as long as they're not about penguins, of which there are way too many.

I think Wall-E will be good. Pretty much everything released by Pixar comes out good and original. Ratatouille was a pretty amazing film in that regard.

What's your problem with penguins!

I think Wall-E will be good. Pretty much everything released by Pixar comes out good and original. Ratatouille was a pretty amazing film in that regard.
What's your problem with penguins!
Yeah, Pixar's stuff is always good. I saw Ratatouille. Now that I think about it I recall seeing a trailer for Wall-E in the theater, I just didn't remember the name of the robot.

I actually like penguins ... cute critters, but in small doses and not dancing. I felt really sorry for those penguins in March of the Penguins.

I like penguins, too.


I think I saw it on here somewhere:

"The Kingdom" - good.

That is, up until the last 30 seconds of the movie where they equivocated Radical-Islamo-fascist murder with American imperialism. Seriously, what Hollywood doofus thought they had to slip that in at the end after making a pretty decent nailbiter of a flick? Why didn't they just have Sean Penn come out from behind a curtain and apologize for making the terrorists the bad guys since we respect Islamo-fascism as simply a different "life choice".

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I saw The Dead Girl this weekend. It was about as creepy as it sounds.

I'm panning down this linear feature and i see little white caves. . .no those are driveways, and the linear feature is my road - ALL I SEE IS SNOW!

Sweet fancy Moses, is it ever gonna stop (in MI)?

Saw Resident Evil, The extinction just this weekend - no sir i didn't like (luved the 1st 2).

Not sure who became extinct or what exactly happened to the plot in this movie, kinda like Matrix 3 :oops:

I caught Spiderwick Chronicles at the IMAX in Louisville this weekend. Its a really good fantasy film on par with Labrynth IMHO. I hope that they follow the rest of Hollywood these days and make a series out of it.

Highly recommended!

I haven't been to the movies in a while, but I have aseen a few DVDs.

Michael Clayton: Excellent! George Clooney lawyer thriller - very good, most excellent "revenge" at the end. I highly recommend it.

Death at a Funeral: I thought this was one of the better comedies I have seen in recent years. Not outragous, laugh your ass off stuff (except in a few scenes), but very well done and some beautiful comic timing. Plus, there is a true "Fudgey moment" which will make any member giggle uncontrollably.

I watched Disturbia on cable the other night. Pretty good B-type suspense/horror movie.


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