My Guess April 2009 exam

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shoot I'm driving myself nuts getting my hopes up every time someone "predicts" when results are coming. The truth is nobody really knows anything except NCEES and they aren't gonna tell us anything except the blanket CYA statement "10-12 weeks after the exam date".
Absolutely right! I have not heard from anywhere that results will be out today or for that matter this week. People are predicting from past histories which may be accurate but they are just speculations. NCEES and state board do a excellent job in not informing anything untill the first results are out!

It looks like it will be around 4th of july for MD anyways. I find it really hard to concentrate in work... Good thing the project is not due anytime soon!

Well, I have to take a breath. I just got a call from one of my colleagues who is applying right now. (Right! I totally forgot they were dealing with applicants, too!) He got his bachelors in India (ABET) and a graduate degree in Texas. He has 43 months of experience and they are telling him he needs 7 years. (Basically that his India degree is equal to engineering technology and graduate degree is apparently worthless.) I remember the crap I had to deal with when applying - the Board just arbitrarily decided that my first few months of engineering experience was useless - that I was learning how to use the stapler - even though I already had 10 years of work experience and was running a satellite office almost right after I was hired. Anyway, it reminded me how easy this wait really is.

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Well, I have to take a breath. I just got a call from one of my colleagues who is applying right now. (Right! I totally forgot they were dealing with applicants, too!) He got his bachelors in India (ABET) and a graduate degree in Texas. He has 43 months of experience and they are telling him he needs 7 years. (Basically that his India degree is equal to engineering technology and graduate degree is apparently worthless.) I remember the crap I had to deal with when applying - the Board just arbitrarily decided that my first few months of engineering experience was useless - that I was learning how to use the stapler - even though I already had 10 years of work experience and was running a satellite office almost right after I was hired. Anyway, it reminded me how easy this wait really is.
I am from India and did my masters degree in Chicago... Yet I needed 8 years of experience! They were ready to give me one year credit for my masters degree! Because of this problem a coworker (graduated from US) did his PE after 4 years and now is promoted higher than me! I am 32 and my boss is 26!

But thats okay.... I guess....

I am sorry for your wait, but I think the issue is that although you have lots of experience, it was in another country. I am sure you have noticed things in the U.S. are done differently than in India.

The problem as I see it is that they gave you zero experience credit, heck if you did have say 4 years of engineering experience as a Civil/Structural in India, I don't see why they couldn't at least give you credit for 30% of it. But hey that would be reasonable, and from dealing with the different state boards I have come to the conclusion that they are neither reasonable or equal.

My advice is to inquire to neighboring states and see what sort of experience credit they will give you. Heck even if they are only 1 year less it still means you could take the PE Test a whole year earlier. Then wait for Illinois to accept your "experience" and get your license by reciprocity because you already passed the test.

Check out California, I think they only require 2 years after a degree.

Illinois is a bugger for many things. They like check boxes, yes/no, cut and dry. Even if you had 3.99 yrs of experience, they will deny the application because it is not four yrs. When I applied for the test the application had to be postmarked by May 15th, my 4yr mark june June 3rd for an October sitting of the test. I got a letter mid june stating that I didn't have the experience listed, even though the start/current date of the jobs was listed. I had to have my boss resubmit the form with a date that was dated a few weeks later.

Illinois is a bugger for many things. They like check boxes, yes/no, cut and dry. Even if you had 3.99 yrs of experience, they will deny the application because it is not four yrs. When I applied for the test the application had to be postmarked by May 15th, my 4yr mark june June 3rd for an October sitting of the test. I got a letter mid june stating that I didn't have the experience listed, even though the start/current date of the jobs was listed. I had to have my boss resubmit the form with a date that was dated a few weeks later.
I also had to have four years before the application deadline and consquently had to wait for the april test instead of october. even though i had 3.99 yr and would have had 4 years in august. That was in TN.

I also had to have four years before the application deadline and consquently had to wait for the april test instead of october. even though i had 3.99 yr and would have had 4 years in august. That was in TN.
In Florida they require the 4 years before the initial application submittal. Last June I had 4 years around June 20th with the deadline for application completion being something like June 27. However, the initial application submittal date was in early May so I had to wait do take the exam in April. I was pretty bummed that I had to basically wait an additional 6 months when I had the experience completed 4 months prior to the exam.

same situation here... dealine was May 1 for experience, I started working on May 3...

22 years of experience, plus two years as a laborer and heavy equipment operator, NY still wants more, all because I only have an associates in engineering, and it is not ABET. Vermont was a whole lot more agreeable, guess where I took my exam?

I have an engineering technology degree and had to wait 7 years. Then I had to deal with the same BS....your first 6 months don't count, how much vacation did you take, etc. That sucks! Guess thats why I'm so anxious to get the test out of the way.

shoot I'm driving myself nuts getting my hopes up every time someone "predicts" when results are coming. The truth is nobody really knows anything except NCEES and they aren't gonna tell us anything except the blanket CYA statement "10-12 weeks after the exam date".
I have always thought June 19th would be the absolute earliest to get any word.

22 years of experience, plus two years as a laborer and heavy equipment operator, NY still wants more, all because I only have an associates in engineering, and it is not ABET. Vermont was a whole lot more agreeable, guess where I took my exam?
I have a BS from an ABET School, but I wholeheartedly agree with taking the exam whereever it benefits you best. Once you have passed the exam then you can at least work in peace while you await approval of your "experience"

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