LinkedIn Connections

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Do you accept connection requests from people you've never met or worked with?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • It depends; are they hot?

    Votes: 13 27.7%

  • Total voters
But you drive a racecar.

While I was out of work, I tried to increase my "network" as much as I possible could, so every single day I would start sending out connection requests. I have made a VERY interesting discovery since I've been doing this. Even though Linkedin is a CAREER NETWORK and not, I get dramatically more accepts from women than I do men. I get about 50-75% acceptance from women, and about 5-10% from men. It's exactly the opposite of what I would have expected. I have continued to send out random connection requests even after I came back to work just to build my network, and it's largely the same now that I'm working.

It's like men are threatened to be connected and women see it exactly as it is......or they just are programmed to be nicer, so instead of "hurting my feelings" they just accept.

I think it's more like women feel the need to be popular and have more connections and men don't.

Just got a contact invite from a PM at a company my company contracts with.  I have never seen, nor met, this person.  I'm sure we were both CC's on the same emails at one point, but I have no idea who he is.

I've been getting a shitload of them the last 6 months, people I have no clue whom they are or where they work for, half of them are new grads, so I am just deleting all of them.. really odd..

I've gotten random requests too.  I'm not sure if it's someone having a race to accumulate the most connections or if it's a Linked-in driven thing to increase their popularity/relevance.  Either way I delete them.

It's hard to navigate thru it now.

The job side is pretty useless (I've tried it).

As for the odd invites, been getting lots of recruiters and oddballs lately. The odd ones I just ignore cause if I delete it, they'll keep sending an invite.


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