How much do we drink?

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How many alcoholic drinks do you consume per week on average?

  • 30+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20-30

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10-20

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1-10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • <1 (an occaisonal drink)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 0 (never drink)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Vishal's post in the Shaving Pounds thread got me thinking. How much do we EB members drink? It seems like a popular past-time around here.

Sadly... not enough....

My hangovers are getting worse as I get older, so bad that I basically really shouldn't drink more than 2 or 3 beers in one night if I want to be even remotely alive the next day.

I would say 0--partly from living in a dry county, partly from lack of interest. But this past week I have had the pleasure of being a geographic bachelor with all alcohol privileges included. I indulged like I was in college, on Tuesday night, err Wednesday morning. Work was hell on Wednesday. Sad that I can vividly remember doing the exact same thing and being bright eyed for 8AM class while in school.

My hangovers aren't as bad these days! :true:

So, I have been drinking A LOT more as of recent. In fact, I can honestly say that I have drank more during this period of my separation (four months) than I have in the period that I was married (nearly 12 yrs). :winko:

It's been fun .....


Vishal's post in the Shaving Pounds thread got me thinking. How much do we EB members drink? It seems like a popular past-time around here.
I am honored to be the inspiration of this topic!!! I am also suprised to know that I have company at "0 - (never drink)". I thought I will be alone there...

There will more votes on higher consumption options once the "regulars" are back!!

I'll never drink as much as i used to, but never will I be without a drink . . .color me in the 10 - 20 range

I wonder how many consider drinking a problem?

Is 30+ a problem if it is consistent?

What about 20 - 30?

I don't have anything against drinking in moderation, but my father was an alcohlic and I saw how it affected his life.

Just a thought ... I'm not criticizing or pointing fingers, just sharing my thoughts as I almost always do.

I'm afraid to add it up. In the course of a normal week I will probably have 1 or two drinks per evening during the week and a few more at the weekend. Last week my intake was a little more then normal b/c the wife was out of town. On an average week I'm probably somewhere around 20 drinks a week +/- (usually plus).

Does that make me an alcoholic?

Probably. ;)

I'm definitely a social drinker. Drink with friends.

So, those 6-10 weekends a year when we tailgate, watch a game or just get together, I drink 6-10. Rest of the time, I just don't seem to "have the time"...

With the new baby in the house, we've been so busy just trying to get sleep / keep up with our other 2 kids... I have had a 24 pack in the downstairs fridge, that's still 1/2 there. So, I've drank 12 beers in about 8 months at home. Usually 1-2 whilst grilling on the back patio.

They are nice to have, but I wouldn't really miss it if I lived in a dry county.

I'm good for a beer or two in the evenings. The nights I go to the gym I may have one afterward instead.

Friday and Saturday night I generally have 3 beers over the course of the evening. I generally have a beer in the afternoon on Saturday and Sunday as well. I'd say I"m in the high 10-20 range.

I drink a glass of wine or a beer a night during the weeks usually. It depends on what I am eating for dinner and I have around two drinks a night on the weekends. So that would put me in the 10+ a week category. I don't see how anyone can pull off the 30+ thing and actually be productive. That is at least 4 drinks a night.

If you have a great tolerance, 4 - 5 a night, and assuming maybe a few more on the weekend spread out over the course of a day, is not really unreasonable.
