How many years out of college were you when you got your PE??

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Born: June 11, 1980

HS: May 29, 1998

FE: April 12, 2003 (passed first try)

BCE: June 13, 2003

PE: April 8, 2011 (passed first try)

so almost 8 years out, and 30 yo (almost 31).

HS - May 1999

College - BS Civil Engineering - May 2004

FE - April 2004 (passed first attempt)

PE - April 2012 (passed first attempt)

Puts me right at 8 years.

born in 66. graduated from top 3 engineering graduate school and had no need for PE. but those people graduated from inferior colleges (like not even top 100 down the map) witih PE had been sarcastic and saying they are real engineers (apparently they think PE makes them real enginners.)

Just had to bite the bullets to pass the PE to shut their mouth.

BS: December 2004

FE: January 2006

PE: May 31, 2012

MS: Pending (Expected September 8, 2012)

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9+ years!!

BS Aug 2000

MS May 2003

Passed PE on the first attempt!

Congratulations to all the new PEs!!

BS and FE 2009

MS 2010

Civil-Structural PE 2012 (only 1.5 years after working too)

that #1 program in the nation down in Champaign was worth it I guess...GO ILLINI!!!

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BSEE - Dec 2003

FE - April 2006 (pass first try)

PE - April 2010 (fail)

PE - April 2011 (fail)

PE - October 2011 (fail)

PE - April 2012 (finally pass!)

I graduated with a BSEE with a computer concentration, but my career is power-based, so I had a REALLY hard time since I hadn't even dealt with three phase power or transformers since my sophomore year of college, let alone the rest of it. But it's finally over!


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