How do you lose a 777?

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And what is the significance of "all right, good night"??
It's just not a standard response. Usually, the response is a read-back of the last instruction to confirm the pilot received it correctly.

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I think running on fumes, the thing would be pretty light and probably not take as much runway as you think, for landing. I could see Pakistan using it to do nefarious things to the Indians.
Even empty, it would take at least 4000 ft of pavement to get it down and stopped. If the intent is to then fly it back out, they'll need upwards of 6000 ft.
Back in my DoD days, I remember 'combat' landing/takeoff lengths for CRAF aircraft being substantially shorter than the 'safe' values the manufacturers put out. Just sayin'....

I just can't see someone going to all that effort to evade civvie radar just to crash it into the sea.
You may be trying to apply a little logic where none exists. If the pilot was cracked, who knows what the little voices inside his head were telling him to do.
That's true. he may have wanted to be the USS Cyclops of the 21st century.

Is there any reason why a commercial airliner should ever need to turn their transponder off? Why even make that an option for the flight crew?

i hope that before the media pins this on pilots turned terrorists I hope there is some actual evidence, I mean its terrible for the pasengers families and going to be terrible for the piltos families to be interrogated over and over again until they find that little black / orange box..

Is there any reason why a commercial airliner should ever need to turn their transponder off? Why even make that an option for the flight crew?
The only reason to shut down the transponder is if it malfunctions. Not all that common but it does happen. I'm pretty sure almost any airliner will has two transponders (primary and backup).

probably wont be an option anymore...
There will always be a circuit breaker that can be pulled to shut it off. The ability to shut off any given electrical circuit is a flight safety issue.

I think it was another UA flight 93. It got hijacked, flew off course, then passengers stormed the hijackers and crashed into the ocean.

I don't know why this is so intriguing.. Maybe we don't have any mysteries these days.

I think that's exactly it. With the 24 hour news cycle and instant communication across continents over the internet, hardly anything goes more than a few days without a reasonable explanation. Losing a jumbo jet loaded with 200+ people and still knowing nothing after over a week is an oddity and instantly intriguing. Let's just hope it doesn't end up like DB Cooper and we never get a satisfactory resolution.

why is Nancy Grace not covering this story?

No little white girls were on the plane..

^ That guy could be rich and famous...go get me some either, knock me out for a day so I can pass a tox screen and let me out to wander the streets until someone finds me...he'd get fifty billion interviews and would add to the mystery, a book and movie deal, you name it!

^A lot of good the money and fame would get him. Between the wife and the gf, he'd still be sleeping on a park bench when it was all said and done.
