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Major Highway said:
So here are the specs, 8lb 12oz, 22 inches long, 10 fingers 10 toes 2 gorgeous blue eyes and a full head of blond hair. I'm purchasing my first shotgun now for when this long legged blond beauty starts dating.
Congratulations! Glad she and mom are happy and well. Please don't forget a secondary weapon in case the primary fails. May I suggest a H&K .45? The German G-36 is also a nice weapon but a little large to cary. The red dot sight is rather handy though.

Congrats Major Highway!! I know the feeling about needing to buy a shotgun since my little girl was born in July. Not looking forward to the dating years...

We are expecting miniBuff 2 in September! So far, everything is good, except that Mrs. Buff is having a bad bout with morning sickness and indegestion. We told miniBuff 1 last night, and she is excited to be a big sister.

We are expecting miniBuff 2 in September! So far, everything is good, except that Mrs. Buff is having a bad bout with morning sickness and indegestion. We told miniBuff 1 last night, and she is excited to be a big sister.
september 3rd is a good day...congrats!!!!!!!!!

Congrats! And don't you worry about the louder screams, and yells, and fights. The older you get, the more your hearing declines.

Many congrats to the Buff family!

Baby ElCid 2 came into the world on February 21st. He is a cool little man.

We've got our third due in june next year so still a ways off but I'm sure it will be here quicker than I think.

This may be worthy of a new thread and poll, but I'm curious how many spawn eb members have on average. We have 3 boys. When we got married that's what we said we wanted and by God we did it. Honestly, I wouldn't mind a 4th, but my wife wont even entertain the idea. So how many ya got?
