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According to Facebook, Ble is at the hospital now. Wish him luck!!!
Yep, mini-ble2 was born on her due date, July 20! She was 19" long and weighed 8 lbs 9 oz. Mom and baby are great and so is mini-ble1. He loves his new sister!


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SapperPE said:
So, update on Secondary Highway... her room is done, painted pink and green, crib is assembled, bassinet is all set, changing table is ready to go, butterflies are hung on the wall with care, and in about three months, our daughter will be here.
You know, those Secondary Highways are usually toll roads.

painted pink and green
That poor girl is gonna have a major league aversion to watermelons if that's the color scheme. :p

Growing up, my room was the shade of green that movies use for green screens. First thing I did upon starting work after college (lived at home while going to grad school) was to fix up the paint, furniture, curtains, etc. I'm a fan of picking one color off a paint chip for the room, then going one step darker for the baseboard and one step lighter for the ceiling.

The living room growing up was pepto pink, and was repainted last year in Miami Dolphins teal. I'm really glad my Mom is moving next week, so I never have to set foot in the place again.

darn, my cousin broke the trend. So far all the kids born amoung us cousins have been on the 8th. It could have happened since the due date is like the 12th, but alas no baby yesterday that we have heard.

Mini-MS #1 is 19 months old. The wifey-wife is ~3 months along as #2 is due on 2/8/12. And we've known for ~3 months. This time around I'll be able to fully take advantage of loading up the FSA for hospital bills.

^thats right, about 3 months younger than minisnick. good thinking with the FSA. Congrats...if it is a girl just don't buy her a mini replica of your hat!!!

Just got back from the 20-week ultrasound. We're having a BABY!!! Well, going in for a 20-wk ultrasound makes it obvious that #2 is on the way, but we have now confirmed that Mrs. MS is not carrying a giraffe. Thank God.

Just got back from the 20-week ultrasound. We're having a BABY!!! Well, going in for a 20-wk ultrasound makes it obvious that #2 is on the way, but we have now confirmed that Mrs. MS is not carrying a giraffe. Thank God.

I hate being BoP. I like ToP for news. :D
