Well I am done taken this test in ::::: :wv: :::::. Once again I failed. So since there 3 time rule I am not fooling with it. I really thought I had a good chance of passing, but I can't seem to get over the hump.
:::: :wv: :::: I am happy you ain't giving up on this. You will surely pass this exam and the joy will annul all the previous attempts. Talk to the board as per dead line and see if you can quickly register, otherwise maybe another state maybe a viable option. I am routing for you because you have been a source of encouragement to many. Your determination and resolve will definitely pull you through.
I know very good engineers with many years experience and doing great jobs in engineering who had to take the exam many time before the passed and went on the pass the PE even in first attempts, but they never gave up. The key really is to keep up the fight with determination and re-strategizing.
Relax and do not stress yourself, we will celebrate with you when you post your success story which I am SURE will happen this in 2010.