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Taking suggestions
Nov 3, 2006
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unpadded cell
I've been traveling this week for work. I checked into the hotel then went for dinner. When I returned to the hotel as I was about to put my key in the door, it started opening.

I went down to the front desk to tell them someone was in my room. He called up to the room and asked how they got in the room and why didn't come back down to the front desk when they saw someone elses luggage in the room.

The people said they mistook 201 for 207 and that Housekeeping had let them in and they didn't see the shower kit on the sink, the bag on the bench or the briefcase on the desk.

After I got my stuff back and a new room I went through my stuff and found that a pair of shorts and a pair of socks were missing. After calling the front desk and several hours later on my way back to my room the people returned the taken items...the shorts were still warm. :mad:

Holy crap! I would have been ready to beat somebody.

I was given a key card for a room containing luggage once. I half expected it since the desk clerk was new and the hotel was very close to sold out. I didn't even bother to get my bags out of my car before checking the room. I just opened the door, saw suitcases on the bed, and took my key back to the desk.


but I cant help but laugh a little.

Hopefully they will get you a discount or at least a free toiletries bag

understatement of the year...needless to say I didn't wear the shorts or the socks. The hotel must have been going through a huge change cuz the front desk worker that night and again that morning were newbies.

I got a big old nothing for the inconveince.

So, not only did they see your bags but they decided to go through them and find something that fits?!!

I hope you didn't use your toothbrush either...

So, not only did they see your bags but they decided to go through them and find something that fits?!!
I hope you didn't use your toothbrush either...
maybe it was a dude free ballin' around in some tight shorts and socks? eh?

The tootbrush thing just made me throw up in my mouth a little

Oh my gosh! That's awful. Just awful.

I once checked into a hotel and walked the five miles to my room, put the key in, and discovered there was someone in it. I saw some tassel loafers when I walked in and the room was steamy from a shower. I'm just glad I didn't see the guy naked. I walked all the way back and the front desk clerk questioned I was just making it up. Cripes. I didn't feel the need to try on the guys stuff though...

I'm just glad I didn't see the guy naked.
And people wonder if the male and female brains are wired differently! I'd guess 90% of men (and 100% of straight men!) would have turned that around... "I'm just disappointed I didn't see the women naked."

Around here, the question is "Got pics?"

WTF? That's bizzare. And the hotel didn't compensate you at all? Where the hell are you staying? The bates motel?

I tend to leave my belongings locked in my suitcase when I leave them in hotel rooms just b/c I don't trust the cleaning staff. After hearing this story I guess i should be more concerned with the other guests.

WTF? That's bizzare. And the hotel didn't compensate you at all? Where the hell are you staying? The bates motel?
I tend to leave my belongings locked in my suitcase when I leave them in hotel rooms just b/c I don't trust the cleaning staff. After hearing this story I guess i should be more concerned with the other guests.
It was a Holiday Inn Express. I have a message into corporate headquarters, as both the night and morning front desk people were totally useless.

Needless to say I wont be staying there anymore.

And people wonder if the male and female brains are wired differently! I'd guess 90% of men (and 100% of straight men!) would have turned that around... "I'm just disappointed I didn't see the women naked."
Around here, the question is "Got pics?"
Aren't tassel loafers like seeing a pair of orthopedic shoes? Would you still want to see a naked woman if she was old?

Whoa! What a story! Why the f--- would someone start trying on your clothes?

Aren't tassel loafers like seeing a pair of orthopedic shoes? Would you still want to see a naked woman if she was old?
I think Ron White says it best: "Once you've seen one woman want to see the rest of them naked."

I agree with sray though...blindness may be required afterwards.

This isn’t really a travel story, but when I was in the national guard my unit was in a small town in south Georgia just outside of Savannah. Since it was a 5 hour drive from my house if we didn’t go to “the field” for drill weekend I would either sleep at the armory or get a hotel room.

On one of ,my first trips I picked a hotel that wasn’t near the local “strip” and I should have known when they clerk asked me if I wanted it “for the whole night” I was the only cvehicle in the parking lot of this “motel” and about 2:00 AM my phone rings and there is a woman on the other line asking me if I “need a woman” I said not really, she then told me to look out my window and this “woman” came out of another motel room and was prancing around in her bra & panties, she was very much a “crack whore” this creeped me out a little bit as I then noticed a decent amount of people walking around the little courtyard of the mote, close to where I was parked. I went ahead and got dressed to go to drill and while I was in the shower I could hear some people outside my door and when I looked they were trying to break into the toolbox of my truck.

I had a personal pistol with me, and tucked it under my uniform and when I opened the door they ran away (I am sure it was the bristling look of a then-young army officer. The desk clerk had actually noticed the guys trying to get into the tool box so he had called the police, the officer who came was also in my national guard unit, who informed me that this was pretty much a “no tell motel” and jokingly said if I needed to borrow some money to stay at a good hotel they would pass the hat around.

So being the new second lieutenant of the unit you can see where I got a pretty good razing over this so after that I just slept in the Armory while at drill weekends…

Aren't tassel loafers like seeing a pair of orthopedic shoes? Would you still want to see a naked woman if she was old?
Hell adds to the story.

I've stayed in some nasty places over the years. I try to find at least a Motel 6 or other reputable budget chain, but sometimes if you are in the middle of nowhere you can't.

I stayed at this one place in central Canada where the shower water was slippery and definitely had a petroleum odor to it. Blecch.

The worst one was a couple of years ago though. We were taking a roadtrip of the southwest. We landed in Vegas. I'm not a Vegas guy and couldn't wait to get out of town, but it was getting pretty late and it was going to be a long drive to anywhere with services. So we tried to find someplace on the outskirts of town. It was Memorial Day weekend so everything was booked.

We found this one rathole. You could reserve rooms by the month, so some folks definitely lived there. You got a bonus for paying the rent on time, or so a sign said. We got into the room and it was filthy. Stains and smears all over the place. Burnholes (from crack pipes I bet) in the upholstery. The tub was all grimy. We slept on top of the covers and checked out at like 5 AM and hightailed it out of there.

Another lovely hotel story was several years back when I was in Colorado for a vacation. I had eaten a nasty, greasy meal the night before, and managed to plug up the toilet. I went down to the front desk to get housekeeping on it and the guy at the desk said, "Do you want a plunger?"

Seriously, I'm a paying guest, it's not my problem! I'm surprised he didn't ask me to be real pal and make all the beds on the third floor while I was at it. Putz.
