I stopped watching before I started watching. I don't like "reality" TV in general, but **** like this is ridiculous. From what I have read about the situation, they really were struggling with the children when TLC did the first documentary about them. They were accepting charitable food donations and volunteer care from friends, family and neighbors just to make sure everybody was cared for. Then, after that documentary got good reviews, TLC did another one a year later. After that, they started the series. I've heard that Kate went from a frantic mom that never took the time to get cleaned up for camera in the documentaries, to the dolled-up bitch she has become during the span of the series. She no longer really cares about or for the children that have given her everything. Both parents just proved that the show and their lives have nothing to do with the children by announcing this very public divorce. It pisses me off that they are trying to pass this off as the "best thing for the children" when it is crystal clear that the best thing for the children is the cancel the show, quit being shallow ********, and take care of the children that they made together.