Wolf Shirt

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that's awesome!
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hmmm.... I guess "a taint in the blood" is better than a bloody taint?

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I'm really disappointed that you didn't paste YKW's head on that picture.
Sometimes we here at Wolverine Studios just need a little inspiration.
So as not to disappoint:

(please note the stormwater flowing uphill in the background.)

well that explains how she managed to raise his....

oh wait, those were the doc's kids

After years of dithering over whether or not I could responsibly wield the power the Three Wolf Moon Shirt passes on to its wearer, I marched down to Kmart and purchased one.

I must say, as I pulled the tee over my head, I could feel it molding itself to my body and interfacing with my nervous system, redirecting the flow of impulses through my neurons. My IQ automatically doubled. Muscle mass increased.

Friends and family have a hard time believing I never had a Three Wolf Moon Shirt before. In fact, all their memories of me, back to infancy, now include me wearing a Three Wolf Moon Shirt. Did the shirt alter time, or memories? Who knows, but I find pre-Three Wolf Moon Shirt Captain Worley become a distant memory.

in searching for garage sale items mr snick found he had 2 wolf moon shirts. they are being sold this weekend at our garage sale.
