Wolf Shirt

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I was just reading the ad and the neighbor lady must have seen it through the window because she's swinging from the bars and singing a sweet tune. I better go take care of her before she pulls the bars out of the sheet metal.

"Customers who viewed this item also viewed: Zubaz Pants"

Wolf Shirts are one product where America kicks European a$$.
easy there. Didn't the werewolf legend come from Slavic gypsies? and they'd be European, correct? so I think Americans take a backseat here too.

that's awesome!

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easy there. Didn't the werewolf legend come from Slavic gypsies? and they'd be European, correct? so I think Americans take a backseat here too.
On legends, yes, Europe is obviously superior. But when putting that legend into cotton apparel and transfer plastic, America stands unrivaled.

"So I'm looking for threads that say, "Hey baby...I'm real boss!" when I stumble upon this epic creation. The wolves spoke to me in a language all their own; it was like German, Mongol, and Bitchin all mixed together. I mean, one wolf howlin at the moon is major...but three??? "



HOOOooooowwwlllllllllllllll ! ! ! ! ! !



HFS! Do not miss scrolling through the "customer images" too. Hilarious!

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On legends, yes, Europe is obviously superior. But when putting that legend into cotton apparel and transfer plastic, America stands unrivaled.
I don't know. How about the equipment that they use to make these shirts? That must be European, resulting in better quality and the "magical" and "mystical" characteristics of the product and hence their large sales numbers.

I don't know. How about the equipment that they use to make these shirts? That must be European, resulting in better quality and the "magical" and "mystical" characteristics of the product and hence their large sales numbers.
I grant you, they do have to use superior European machinery to imbrue the awesome shirts with their mystical powers.

there is a whole world out there that I knew nothing about. Thank you frazil, thank you wolf shirt, thank you tuscan whole milk, 128 oz. size.

I'm afraid I could be messing with powerful forces beyond my control, but you know you were thinking it too:

What if you combined the 3WM shirt AND the Zubaz pants? Throw in a mullet and a 73 Camaro and I think we're talking unstoppable awesomeness.

I'm afraid I could be messing with powerful forces beyond my control, but you know you were thinking it too:
What if you combined the 3WM shirt AND the Zubaz pants? Throw in a mullet and a 73 Camaro and I think we're talking unstoppable awesomeness.
I'm really disappointed that you didn't paste YKW's head on that picture.
