Supporting Member to Examinees
I took the PE Power Exam in April 2014 and passed, but I have not completed all of the required documents such as the Aplication called The Exam Acceptance and the Employment Documentation (VE-PNG). I have concerns regarding my employment verification. I earned my engineering degree in the state of Illinois. I worked at Public Utility in the state of Missouri (which also serves Illinois) for 5 years under two supervisors (A and B). I worked 2 years under supevisor A and 3 years under supervisor B. Supevisor A has a PE in the state of Missouri, however Supervisor B has his PE in the state of Kentucky. To further complicate matters, I recently transfered within my company to work in the state of Illinois, however my new Supevisor does not have a PE license. My question is, will the state of Illinois accept my experience from my former Supervisors whos are licensed in other states besides Illinois? What can I do about my situation?