What is the purpose of hiring PCS?

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2012
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On their website, PCS claims that:

"At PCS, we recognize that your time is valuable, and understand that in today’s economy there is too much work and not enough staff. We know that when you and your team walk through the office door in the morning, you wonder how all of you are going to be able to get it all done – a futile attempt. Streamlining your processes and freeing up more time for you and your staff to effectively manage the more important aspects of regulation is what we do best. Efficiently manage your time by delegating administrative tasks to PCS.

We offer the latest technological advancements, allowing you and your staff to go “green” and shuffle less paper around. Utilizing our specialized Total Operation Management (TOM) system, we can handle all aspects of your licensing needs. TOM is a functionality rich, multi-lingual, automated online examination and licensing system. TOM handles all operations from first-time examinations to licensing renewals as well as everything in-between, such as the tasks that consume your workday. TOM speeds up the entire licensing process and eliminates mounds of paper that your office currently receives. For example, at a typical state board meeting, board members typically review volumes of applicant files and required documentation for approval, as do office staff prior to these meetings. TOM allows board members and staff to do a complete and thorough review of each file directly and securely from any computer and from any location with an internet connection."
Yet interestingly enough, of the 8 states that use PCS, I think as of now only Connecticut and Delaware have released results. Sooo what are these states paying for then?
IIRC, I think the services provided by PCS are cheaper than hiring actual NCEES proctors to administer the exams. So basically the states that use PCS are just cheapskates.
