what do you think would cause this? - moisture in garage

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i have seen heavy rains and it isnt the downspout, but the siding sitting on the cocnrete is probably a likely candidate..

I also learned from my neighbor that when this house was built (2001) it originally had a front entry garage and it was changed to the side entry garage becauise the driveway was too steep.. I wonder if they f'd something up when they made that change and didnt do soemthing correct..

so this part of the garage it is simply 2X4's and there isnt a nice litlte concrete lip for the framing to sit on..

we have it listed for $240.. its probaly at the most worth $250 if the kitchen was updated and such, but thats about it..

If the elevation of the garage floor is the same as the elevation of the outside concrete slab on grade, I'd look for something else. When's the last time it rained? Are there any utilities inside the wall? I'd cut the drywall out to see what's there.
