Here are the color bets that I have:
Cupojoe - Blue
The Wizard - Red
Ken 3.0 - Black
power-engineer - yellow
Ramnares P.E. - pink
matt 267 - United Nations Blue (hex color #5B92E5, correct me if I'm wrong here)
Lumber Jim - Red, White, AND BLUE!!! (red and blue have been taken, so I guess white hex color FFFFFF)
BrewingAz_PE - Mother of Pearl (seems dangerously close to white, but still different hex color EDE2EO)
CE_Gator - Tyrian Purple (hex color 66023C, I like this color)
NakedOrangie - Gunmetal grey (not sure if this is like hex color 2292E37 or 6b7071?)
Judowolf PE - despair (could not find a hex/pantone match)
Ship Wreck PE - Orange
iwire - Red (previously taken)
seandapaul24 - Just Biebers eye color (which I assume is the same as despair, so this is already taken)
dulceenea - Green