I second that statment. The Iron ring concept is pretty cool...I don't know exactly what a toasted turd is (probably a poor attempt at engineering humor which is hardly ever actually funny BTB), but I'd bet more than a few engineers would participate if the ring/ceremony were part of the tradition in the US.VT, why are you talking to him like that? I don't think he deserved that. I actually had no idea what an Iron Ring (Canada) was or an Engineer's Ring (U.S.) until I read Happy's link. I actually thought it was kind of cool.No one in the States cares about theSalem Oregon,
I love my new blue pencil. I now own two. Although I need it, the PE license will be just another piece of paper to file away somewhere. I prefer small tokens to showcase my career. Having graduated in Canada, I'm proud to always wear my IRON RING. This pencil, while not nearly as cool as my ring, is still a real symbol of accomplishment to me.preciousiron ring. The whole Order of the Engineer ceremony was something to make someone that didn't get into any honor societies feel good about themselves.
Not to burst your bubble, but no one here gives two hot toasted turds about it.