What are your nerdy engineering traits?

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I gain considerable satisfaction from winning an argument over a code or specification.

Water Heater vs. Hot Water Heater

I'll echo NJMike's aluminum vs tin foil - just called my wife out on that the other day. She was not amused.....

Having to "repack" the dishwasher more efficiently so as to get more dishes in there.
I love calling it a hot water heater to upset the mechanical department

Unless the tank is emptied it contains hot water. As it sits, the temperature obviously drops, but it's still hot. Therefore it's a hot water heater.

I make spreadsheets and scatter plots for everything, be it my household budget, children's birthday parties and Pinterest ideas I want to try.

[SIZE=medium]You guys are hilarious. I can relate to (or at least appreciate) most of what you guys brought up (being cheap, temperature setting must be even, all bills must be upright and face forward, clothes/hangers all face the same way, mechanical pencil, etc.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Some more:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]It’s a Driver License, not a Driver’s License! (at least in CA)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]All the screws on the outlet and light switch plates in my home are turned perfectly vertically.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]This kills me: “ABS Brakes”, “ATM Machine”, etc.[/SIZE]

I also sketch everything in Autocad. I made placemats in Autocad for my wedding reception, complete with menu, caricatures of me and hubs and a "Get YMZ to the church on time" maze.

The spreadsheet I have for my finances has 43 tabs (I call it my life calculator). Granted, most of them are for closed accounts, and several more can be deleted...

Looking through it now, I think there are only about 15 active tabs, with a few more that I reference from time to time. The other half are just old records, including the tracking spreadsheets from our Zombie outbreak games...

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Wait...putting everything in a spreadsheet is nerdy?

*goes to review grocery list spreadsheet*

^ I hope you have that list automatically populate with pantry items at a set time interval.

I swore I wasn't going to let my kids become nerdy, but I can't help it. I took Mini to the ribbon cutting of a pump station project I worked on...the next day she was telling anyone who would listen about the pumps and how you can't drink the water that's used to cool the engines. Both kids are also huge fans of They Might Be Giants now too.

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after reading this thread I am changing my resume to match more MBA type jobs...

I've made a number of things in AutoCAD as well. Including my Star Wars Rebel Alliance flag. ;)


Water Heater vs. Hot Water Heater

I'll echo NJMike's aluminum vs tin foil - just called my wife out on that the other day. She was not amused.....

Having to "repack" the dishwasher more efficiently so as to get more dishes in there.
Yes! Water heater vs hot water heater

Also regardless vs irregardless

Water Heater vs. Hot Water Heater

I'll echo NJMike's aluminum vs tin foil - just called my wife out on that the other day. She was not amused.....

Having to "repack" the dishwasher more efficiently so as to get more dishes in there.
Yes! Water heater vs hot water heater

Also regardless vs irregardless
The first one is actually a word. The second one is some made-up dumbass MBA word...

[SIZE=medium]You guys are hilarious. I can relate to (or at least appreciate) most of what you guys brought up (being cheap, temperature setting must be even, all bills must be upright and face forward, clothes/hangers all face the same way, mechanical pencil, etc.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Some more:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]It’s a Driver License, not a Driver’s License! (at least in CA)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]All the screws on the outlet and light switch plates in my home are turned perfectly vertically.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]This kills me: “ABS Brakes”, “ATM Machine”, etc.[/SIZE]
in IL it is Driver's License...I just looked at mine

The spreadsheet I have for my finances has 43 tabs (I call it my life calculator). Granted, most of them are for closed accounts, and several more can be deleted...

Looking through it now, I think there are only about 15 active tabs, with a few more that I reference from time to time. The other half are just old records, including the tracking spreadsheets from our Zombie outbreak games...
LOL - I once had a discussion with a female co-worker, who insisted men had "periods" and went through mood swings on some predictable cycle. So a male coworker and I started tracking our "mood" in a spreadsheet and printing up a graph for her every so often. I think we named it something very similar to your "life calculator". We did it for 2 years and it never showed any sort of period.

So take that, women!

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^ We call that "manstruation".

I also sketch everything in Autocad. I made placemats in Autocad for my wedding reception, complete with menu, caricatures of me and hubs and a "Get YMZ to the church on time" maze.
Whoa. That's pretty nerdy.
I just found the PDF of the placemat - sweet! I thought it died with my old laptop. Here's a screencap of the maze.


The placemat even had a titleblock for a border. Man, I was weird at 22.

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