Licensed Professional Engineer
I got into it with a construction manager last week at a project meeting regarding his "value engineering" decisions; I want to get some CMs to weigh in on this.
Here is the situation. I designed a land development project which includes roughly 15 underground stormwater facilities. Most of these facilities include multiple cleanouts and observation wells, but to the naked eye they would just appear as cleanouts on the surface. Since the cleanout are within paved parking lots my plans and specs called for traffic bearing frames, caps and a concrete collar below the wearing course of the pavement.
The design intent here is two fold. The first is to use the rigid slab (concrete) to spread the force away from the vertical pipe; and two, to have a buffer between the HMA and the plastic pipe.
Now, this CM is telling the client that the traffic bearing components are not needed and that he will just "place extra asphalt around the pipe." The best part here is that this guy is also a PE ... incredible.
Look, this is not my first rodeo. I understand the game that CMs play to justify their fees to the client. I crafted a polite but very strongly worded email to the project team explaining the issues with his plan.
This is my problem with "Value Engineering" (VE) ... there is no engineering involved. As an engineer my projects are designed to the minimum standards I feel comfortable with. My design intent and advocacy for my client should not be shopped around after the fact which results in a lower quality/more risk situation. This is another example of penny-wise and dollar foolish.
Rant over.
Any thoughts from Construction Manager PEs?
Here is the situation. I designed a land development project which includes roughly 15 underground stormwater facilities. Most of these facilities include multiple cleanouts and observation wells, but to the naked eye they would just appear as cleanouts on the surface. Since the cleanout are within paved parking lots my plans and specs called for traffic bearing frames, caps and a concrete collar below the wearing course of the pavement.
The design intent here is two fold. The first is to use the rigid slab (concrete) to spread the force away from the vertical pipe; and two, to have a buffer between the HMA and the plastic pipe.
Now, this CM is telling the client that the traffic bearing components are not needed and that he will just "place extra asphalt around the pipe." The best part here is that this guy is also a PE ... incredible.
Look, this is not my first rodeo. I understand the game that CMs play to justify their fees to the client. I crafted a polite but very strongly worded email to the project team explaining the issues with his plan.
This is my problem with "Value Engineering" (VE) ... there is no engineering involved. As an engineer my projects are designed to the minimum standards I feel comfortable with. My design intent and advocacy for my client should not be shopped around after the fact which results in a lower quality/more risk situation. This is another example of penny-wise and dollar foolish.
Rant over.
Any thoughts from Construction Manager PEs?