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the 3rd was sunday, I wonder if that is just for complaints. Where they may update complaints on a weekly basis. We know they updated the list yesterday morning, because it went from 29351 to 29308?

the 3rd was sunday, I wonder if that is just for complaints. Where they may update complaints on a weekly basis. We know they updated the list yesterday morning, because it went from 29351 to 29308?
Yep...I posted that it went down 29308....I believe it happened around 8-ish. But honestly, I really doubt these people have a set time for updates. It's not NASA. The update could come at 3:27pm for all we know.

Down at the bottom of this page it shows 19 guests are reading this topic. It's probably the DPOR staff just laughing at us.

Down at the bottom of this page it shows 19 guests are reading this topic. It's probably the DPOR staff just laughing at us.
Oh...I'm sure it's probably like a second Christmas party over there. I bet they even have a sign up sheet for bringing in dishes.

i REALLY thought this morning was going to be it... i felt like a kid on christmas morning walking downstairs to see no presents under the tree... so disappointing.....

Me too dcgirl!

I didn't see my name, but decided to look here before going into mourning. Looks like I can hold off on that mourning bit for now. LOL.

I haven't seen the lookup be unavailable yet this morning? I've been trying since 6:30 every couple of minutes. In July I thought that they updated it later in the morning. I was on vacation when I found out and I know for sure I wasn't up at 7:00 AM on vacation.

Me! I need some kind of consolation prize. I have this sinking feeling that I'm going to be getting a breakdown of my score again... :(

I haven't seen the lookup be unavailable yet this morning? I've been trying since 6:30 every couple of minutes. In July I thought that they updated it later in the morning. I was on vacation when I found out and I know for sure I wasn't up at 7:00 AM on vacation.
Was it around 9:30 AM?

I haven't seen the lookup be unavailable yet this morning? I've been trying since 6:30 every couple of minutes. In July I thought that they updated it later in the morning. I was on vacation when I found out and I know for sure I wasn't up at 7:00 AM on vacation.
Was it around 9:30 AM?
I don't remember exactly. My little boy normally sleeps till 8:30 so for some reason I was thinking it was after 8:30. at least.

these highs then lows are really getting to me.... i constantly have this lump in my stomach....

dcgirl, just assume it isn't it...then no lump?

That said, I'm sitting here with this Schroedinger's Cat type debate. Right now, I have a chance of passing. If I'm told I have failed, I no longer have that chance. Do I really want to know?? :D

I just pray that they don't have some old lady hand typing every new PE into the system.....

I just pray that they don't have some old lady hand typing every new PE into the system.....
I feel like I'm going to hurl. The system is currently down and I have a feeling that when it comes up the results will be there! I haven't been this nervous is a really long time... LITERALLY SHAKING!

Gambit, that's hateful. HAHAHA

Hey, the longer it takes the more of us passed? Maybe?
