Unsolicited Advice/Warnings

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Same here, boss (also Dad) nagged me and nagged me. I really don't know why I was afraid of taking the exam. I kept making up excuses, but the truth was I was afraid of not passing. This board has shown me that life does go on if you don't pass, so get over it and take the test. If you don't pass try again.

I still don't know if I passed. But even if I didn't I am glad I took it, and I will get up and study again until I do pass.

Dad nagged me for years to get it and finally gave up about the time he retired and gave up his PE. He was happy to here I was taking it, if only for the pay raise. At least it'll allow me to advance further in the state gov if I so desire.

Dad nagged me for years to get it and finally gave up about the time he retired and gave up his PE. He was happy to here I was taking it, if only for the pay raise. At least it'll allow me to advance further in the state gov if I so desire.
That's a great story. I passed my mechanical PE in 2004. I am the first person in my family to earn that lic.

Unsolicited Advice/Warnings: When I took my EIT, my girlfriend's dad told me in my face: "If you don't pass this exam, I will be very disappointed in you." No serious, true story!

Don't worry,,,,,I passed my EIT.

:violin: That's sad. I wouldn't even know how to respond to that.

Ahhh! Don’t worry about it! The guy's an asshole. He's ancient history. Luckily, I was smart enough not to marry the girlfriend! :party-smiley-048:

^You know, the sad thing is that none of my g.f.'s fathers ever met me in person. I've often wondered if things would have turned out differently if they had.

^^^ Don't you think that would have been a bit intimidating meeting each other eye-to-eye ??


^^Agreed, jenevans. We need a slightly more annoyed "rolling eyes" emoticon. That one looks too good-natured for most of this PE-ness nonsense.

i had the same advice...they never ask medium hard structures problems, transportation morning is easy and all in the CERM, blah blah blah. how do they know? They only took the thing once....

my observations from the exam:

the percentages of each topic are typical, but NOT guaranteed. The exam i took had a TON of environmental in the morning....so its just a guide, not a guarantee.

Take a book or two in each subject area...they have a lot of look-up questions in the morning (which several people had told me), and surprisingly, most are not your "know it off the top of your head" answers. you need the book in that subject to look it up. and if you have the books, like i did for most of them, they are easy. if not, you are guessing in the dark. a lot of these are not addressed by CERM because they are so "random".

dress in layers...our room was FREEZING. if i had/and if they allowed gloves and a hat, i would have worn them.

take some alleve before you go in to avoid the neckache that hits at about hour 5.

tab tab tab your CERM and practice problems (if allowed in your state). this saves a TON of time, and use them when you study so you know what each tab means.

DO as many practice problems as possible, and then do some more. It not only teaches you the subjects, but where they get their numbers from. i learned very quickly that the "typical" design numbers i use always gave me an approximate answer "close" to one of the answers, and sometimes it was closer to the wrong answer. learn to use the tables they use for their solutions, even if you dont like them.

do a practice exam....it prepared me for sitting for 8 hours, taking an hour lunch, and helped me organize and decide what books i wanted to take in my final boxes. i ended up tabbing a few more pages and highlighting a few more things.

pack 3 boxes....1 to sit on the table in front of you. mine had my CERM bible, practice problems, practice exam, and a few other books that were "critical" to me. on the floor to either side i had a box with my look-up books organized by topic.

good luck!

from old teachers "you're the guy that never studied and did fine. Don't worry about it"

me thinking: "yeah, I unlearned that bad habit in college. Didn't work for me then, won't work for me now"

The only real advice I got was that "There is so much on the exam (Enviro PE) that you can't possibly know it all." So, basically, the advice was "Abandon hope all ye who take the Enviro PE," which, as you may imagine, is not the most helpful advice.

I'm still waiting for my results from October, but I have to say that the advice was pretty accurate.

^^^ I think what he is trying to say is that if you are an EIT you are ENVIOUS of PE status (e.g. that is the prize at the end of the rainbow) ... ergo EIT = PE-ness envy ??

Did I restate correctly?

