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The wife and I usually default to DIY or HGTV... my favorite show from either channel is "Renovation Realities"... It's always nice to see people with no DIY skills attempt something with a shoestring budget and a typically self-imposed unrealistic time line.... I can just hear the next episode intro:

"We're remodeling our kitchen... my wife is 9 months pregnant, due any day, and we need to get it done before the baby gets here.... we have $500 and my wife is on bed rest... "

Basically, it's what happens when people want all 3 sides of the Project Triangle

It's comical, and a crap ton of lessons in how NOT to do it, but it does make me feel better about taking "too long" to do projects that "should only take a week or two"

Besides DIY, there's a handful of reality shows the wife (and me to a certain extent) follows and a few cartoons on Nick that fill in as white noise... I'll watch How It's Made, Factory Made, How Do They Do It, and/or Mythbusters at the drop of a hat.... of course, then there's Family Guy.... or reruns of King of the Hill

My favorite show is South Park. I also like How its Made and Factory Made.

I've also been known to watch "train wreck" shows like Intervention, Hoarders or 16 & Pregnant when I don't like anything else that's on. I usually browse through the movies first before I'll settle for those.

will definitely tune into deadliest catch, watched the season 5 marathon over the weekend.
Why couldn't they have had that marathon on during a nasty, rainy weekend. It was beautiful here and all the playing outside kept me from watching much of it!
the whole neighborhood was out mowing and doing yardwork so i had to stay inside or else my allergies would be worse than they already are

Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, Cleveland Show, South Park...
sheeesh dude, like cartoons much?
My interest in the Simpsons has waned somewhat, but am still an avid follower of FG, AD, CS, and will watch SP whenever I remember that it's on.

Not knowing when House airs really threw me for a loop. Ever since the season ended with rehab, etc, I haven't been able to follow it. Every time I see the previews, it keeps reminding me that I miss it, which irritates the hell out of me since the new episodes look so good.

I've seen Hoarders a few times. It reminds me how bat-**** crazy some of those people are. The sad part is that one of my psycho ex's father was a hoarder. So much to the extent that the two of them got into a physical altercation in the middle of the road when she tried to throw out a garbage bag full of losing lottery tickets he had been hiding in the garage. Mind you, this garage loosely resembled a municipal dump.

So much to the extent that the two of them got into a physical altercation in the middle of the road when she tried to throw out a garbage bag full of losing lottery tickets he had been hiding in the garage. Mind you, this garage loosely resembled a municipal dump.
I think I saw that episode of Cops. She was wearing a lime green tube-top and grey sweatpants and he had a truckers hat, mustard-stained tank top (which was not long enough to coverup the gut), and some tore up jeans.

The wife and I usually default to DIY or HGTV... my favorite show from either channel is "Renovation Realities"...
RR is an awesome show...I have seen all of them too. I also watch a lot of Holmes on Homes. It's fun to see how bad contractors can screw up, Holmes talks with a funny Canadian accent.

sheeesh dude, like cartoons much?
Yep. If they were still making new King of the Hills and Futuramas, I'd be watching those too. As it is, I watch ATHF, Moral Oral, Robot Chicken, and a few others on Adult Swim too. Ugly Americans that they are playing after new South Parks this season on Comedy Central is pretty dumb though.

I've also been known to watch "train wreck" shows like Intervention, Hoarders or 16 & Pregnant when I don't like anything else that's on. I usually browse through the movies first before I'll settle for those.
I watched Intervention until it became too repetitive, and Hoarders is rapidly approaching that point too.

American Pickers and Pawn Stars are both must-see for me as well.

So much to the extent that the two of them got into a physical altercation in the middle of the road when she tried to throw out a garbage bag full of losing lottery tickets he had been hiding in the garage. Mind you, this garage loosely resembled a municipal dump.
I think I saw that episode of Cops. She was wearing a lime green tube-top and grey sweatpants and he had a truckers hat, mustard-stained tank top (which was not long enough to coverup the gut), and some tore up jeans.
No. I don't recall what she was wearing, but he was a combination of mustard-stained tank top and half a mall cop uniform (I think he worked security at some abandoned plant). The rest of the family was right up there though. The mother was a Maury-Povich-esque 500 pounds or so (but a great Italian cook, go figure), and aunt, who was my favorite, routinely washed down a pill cocktail with some hard liquor to make it through her kid's birthday parties!

will definitely tune into deadliest catch, watched the season 5 marathon over the weekend.
Why couldn't they have had that marathon on during a nasty, rainy weekend. It was beautiful here and all the playing outside kept me from watching much of it!
the whole neighborhood was out mowing and doing yardwork so i had to stay inside or else my allergies would be worse than they already are
I'm lucky, my allergies have gotten much less extreme as I've gotten older. I use to be a wreck as a kid. Nasal spray, pills, eye drops, inhalers, etc. Part of it is just changes with age I guess, my wife on the other hand is getting worse with time. But a good chunk of it moving out of my parents' mold trap of a house. Humid environment plus a pair of slobs does not equal a healthy environment.

At this point I've just got some exercise induced asthma, which is quite manageable.

Whenever we go to visit, it takes about 6 hours, then I can't breathe and my eyes puff up. We try to limit visits to one night, if possible. It crusts the poor dog's eye completely shut at times.

I also watch a lot of Holmes on Homes. It's fun to see how bad contractors can screw up, Holmes talks with a funny Canadian accent.

crap, I forgot about Holmes on Homes.... I can't believe some of the things contractors get away with... my wife can't stand him though, she can't explain why...

i have missed most of lost due to baseball, will probably have to catch up on dvd, but from the previews i dont think I am missing much

only thing i am really following is breaking bad and I also like Holmes on Homes, but I think he is a little over the top on some things..

Well, Rescue Me is not on FX On Demand for some reason. Looks like I'll be parking myself in front of the computer to watch it.


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