Travel!! Where are you headed; Where do you want to go? Where have you been?

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I'll take mustard sauce on pork over that eastern NC vinegar sauce...

Oh man.  This place never ceases to amaze me...

Good news - I'll be going home early this week, probably Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.  :party-smiley-048:

Bad news - The powers that be who were organizing this whole send-one-guy-over-here-for-a-week-and-swap-with-one-guy-over-there aren't well versed in communication.  Turns out no one on this end either knew about the swap or thought it would be for some unknown week after July 16.  So, I'll be coming back here, probably next week.  HAPPY F'ING MONDAY!  :suicide1:

I'm back from Charleston! Thanks for the recommendations, all. We did end up going to dinner at R. Kitchen one night (@Supe, I think that was your recommendation?) and the food was awesome. In fact, the food everywhere we went was awesome. It was a really cool little city, too! And much cheaper than what I'm used to, which was awesome. :)

Charleston is a neat little town to visit but sure as F wouldn't want to live there!

(So no visit to the USS Yorktown? - That version was built like 98% by women btw)

Charleston is a neat little town to visit but sure as F wouldn't want to live there!

(So no visit to the USS Yorktown? - That version was built like 98% by women btw)
No time, unfortunately. Mostly spent our time eating, drinking, and catching up with each other, spread amongst some more standard bachelorette party activities. ;)

I hadn't seen the bride in person in about three years (when I left the east coast), and my other friend, I last saw 1.5 years ago. And the two other girls, only one of which I'd met only once (probably 4-5 years ago), and the other was her sister, whom I'd never met but had heard so much about!

I'd like to go back and see a bit more of the historical aspect of things. I do agree, I'd never want to live there, if only for the humidity! But the water was so warm...

Good deal, Leggo!  Charleston is definitely an easy place to over eat on good food.  

Leaving for Las Vegas today for the NSPE conference, then up to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon on Saturday, then up to Bryce Canyon for a couple days.  Not looking forward to the Vegas temperatures (high 109 today with a low of 90 overnight), but this is our first full week away from home in about 1.5 years.

Today I travelled to Pueblo, CO then to Greeley, then back to Denver - #Fuckingtired...

I wouldn't worry about that.

People wear the cheap 3M kinds all of the time. It's a combination of scooter smog protection and people who are sick and don't want to get others sick.

I never wore those when I've been in Taiwan. I've survived going there 16 times and I'm just fine.

I wouldn't worry about that.

People wear the cheap 3M kinds all of the time. It's a combination of scooter smog protection and people who are sick and don't want to get others sick.

I never wore those when I've been in Taiwan. I've survived going there 16 times and I'm just fine.


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