Things that are better than they used to be

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Why you always gotta be talking about house fires?

He also often talks about floods caused by the weak point of connection on Floodsafe hoses. That cancels out the house fires talk, no? (Because a flood would put out a fire, in a house...nevermind)

And rock crushes house.

I was totally joking. House fires have always freaked me out. I think I took all the fire safety info in elementary school and became neurotic about it. Then, when I was in second grade, my mom nearly did set the house on fire. She had ivory handled forks and one was near the open flame on the stove and POOF! flames shot up to the ceiling.

Also, I rarely talk about engineering things here on engineer boards.

kitchen appliances... well just house hold appliances in general... I can get home at 5:30 pm and have a roast and potatoes ready to eat, a load of laundry washed and put in the dryer, run the vacuum and steam mop all in under an hour...

They are definitely faster, more efficient, and easier to use. BUT, they have WAY more moving parts that can fail and therefore do not last nearly as long as the old ones. Plus, the new ones tend to catch fire a lot more than the old ones.

Cords are a LOT shorter as well. When I was a kid, 8' cords were the norm. Everything seems to be 4' or less these days.

That's cause people are dumber...or at least, more litigious. There were a spate of lawsuits in the 90's and 00's where people sued manufacturers because they tripped over cords, or cords got tangled in things. Now the standard cord length on a toaster or coffeemaker is about 2 feet.

Also, I rarely talk about engineering things here on engineer boards.

Is that why we're called Engineer Boards? I thought this was a forum for making wiener and ****ie jokes.


Those LED flashlights are both brighter and have longer battery life that the old incandescent ones. And, with less power required, they can be smaller, too.


I need to get a set of those. The last time I replaced a light switch I held a flashlight between my teeth the whole time.
