The Walking Dead

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talk, talk, talk. Lets get to the killin already.

<< hasn't seen newest episode yet.

I was about to turn the tv off last night until around 9:40 ( i wont ruin it for you)

I think next year im just gonna have to miss the season and watch in dvd.. its to frickin slow..

I was about to turn the tv off last night until around 9:40 ( i wont ruin it for you)

I think next year im just gonna have to miss the season and watch in dvd.. its to frickin slow..

Same thing here. Even went to the TV to turn it off. This season has had three speeds...slow, slower, and slowest.

I don't know what that was last night but it east a season finale... I gotta drop this show ....

I hope next season is better than the big ole dish o'suck they served up to us this year.

Where did The Governor go?

Why do not stay in Woodbury? They have running water there.

I did like when Carl told his Dad about how things he did not do came back to haunt them. It explained a lot.

Just saying...Michonne had her two hands tied and managed to put down two walkers. Andrea had one hand free...just saying.

I think Carl's just torqued off that living chicks won't put out :leghump: , & zombie chicks you shore don't want :hung: !

They got work to do for Season 4 - Anyways it ended just in time for Game of Thrones (same night & time slot), so its win-win.

only good part was carl telling his dad that loose ends are a bad thing...

If the kid wanted to surrender he could have dropped that shutgun a lot quicker in my book..

only good part was carl telling his dad that loose ends are a bad thing...

If the kid wanted to surrender he could have dropped that shutgun a lot quicker in my book..

If someone is already pointing a gun at me and tells me to give up my weapon, it would not take too long for me to do it. But I am not a story writer. Maybe Dleg should write some episodes for next season.

I watched Norman Reedus on Talk Dead Live last night, and I have to say he looks like a total pussy in real life, I bet he couldnt summon the courage in real life to kill a half dead bird flapping around his driveway!

I didn't think the finale was too bad. It allows the story to progress quite a bit now. Maybe they can move on to another antagonist, like how to keep 40 people fed, or global warming, or cleaning up all the dead bodies everywhere. Without giving too much away, it does feel like the last bit of dead weight will no longer be around to annoy the crap out me.

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