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I was leading into tomorrow is HUMP-DAY. I hope you get your stuff done and are ready for tomorrow before it gets here.

OH!! TOP!!!

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I hope so too Mary, I hope so too! But I'm sitting here at the table on my work computer while some stuff uploads to Project Wise and my son is on our family computer playing minecraft, so, you know, we're bonding. He's got 27 more minutes, then it's time to turn the computer off and go read... wish that were true for both of us

It sounds like you have a work deadline tomorrow, or something. Hang in there, Sapper.

One day at a time, Sapper. I'm sure the work was assigned to you because you are capable. Expectation is a blessing, not a curse.

Good luck.

I'm listening to my toddler recount his day, name everyone he knows, and sing twinkle twinkle and the wheels on the bus at the same time. My sister gave him a stuffed wombat, and it's really funny to hear him say "wombat!"

Kids say the simplest things in the cutest way. My daughter is all into the two "kee" cats we got recently and loves to drink "chooce". Every time she sees a car anywhere, she points and says... "cart... bee... beep".

Hmm. . . My computer says "A disk read error has occurred. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart". I think this might be bad.

I typically use the punch-throw-kick button when my computer does that..

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Does that ever make the computer turn back on? This wasn't my first blue screen of death on Ol' Bessie, but the first one she won't recover from.

Does that ever make the computer turn back on? This wasn't my first blue screen of death on Ol' Bessie, but the first one she won't recover from.
No, but if I'm to the point of using the punch-throw-kick button, I'm not expecting it to come back on...

Hmm. . . My computer says "A disk read error has occurred. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart". I think this might be bad.

Does that ever make the computer turn back on? This wasn't my first blue screen of death on Ol' Bessie, but the first one she won't recover from.
Did this happen while in Windows and it crashed or was this during boot-up? How old is "Ol' Bessie"?

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