blybrook PE
Veteran 10k Spammer
Oooh, suspended rules. Will have to do some spammage this weekend
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Which ones?Just watching on of the Harry Potter movies with Mrs Dex
I know, right?! I'm super impressed by the battery life. Did you get the Android update to 4.3 yet? It was just pushed by Verizon a couple days ago. Adds some new cool features. Including the hidden side bar that is now scrollable. :thumbs:I am really impressed with this new phone. Between streaming tonights football game, playing a couple different games, and playing on the interwebs the battery has held up nicely.
Ditto to this. Whether it was celebrating or mourning. LOLMy passing results were followed by a massive hangover.
It's on like donkey kong! Now where's PBR?!Oooh, suspended rules. Will have to do some spammage this weekend Edit - TOP
Jameson is my celebratory partner.I had two bottles of johnnie walker one red label one blue label, depending on the results determined which bottle I opened.
I had a long road to PE, too. I hope you passed this time. It's worth the work.There will be drinking. This is a long time coming. I started taking college classes in '99 and finished in' 11, all the while working full time, getting married and having two kids. Not to mention that this is my 3rd attempt at passing this damn exam. Alcohol will be a must.