Man that's awesome, I defin am NOT living right I can tell!
So is that for your personal use to get to work, or just to clear your own property?
I use this rig as a backup to my daily driver, or if I need to drive to town for a plowing contract (less likely these past 2 years). I clear my property, the trail / road (1/4 mile) and a few of my neighbor's yards.
MA_PE, on 26 Apr 2013 - 05:02, said:
With the sides on the plow it looks more like a loader.
they don't require headlights either? why bother with inspection?
The sides are known as wings. I have taken them off since I'm not plowing many parking lots and the wings are kinda useless when trying to throw snow to the side of the road. I still have them, should I wish to remount them to the plow at a later date.
Standard headlights are blocked by the plow & provide a really bad glare when they are operational with the plow mounted, so the upper headlights above the hood on the plow frame provide all the light I need / want (usually).
This rig is known as the "Biter". She is called this because when I was loading 'er on the trailer after purchase, the plow rolled off the mount, pinning my leg between the plow & trailer. Had my leg been twisted a few degrees in a different direction, it would have snapped the bone. Thankfully I walked away from that incident; but almost every time I do a repair / wrenching project on it, she draws blood. The winch that was shown in the earlier pictures is off an old mining drill rig and was mounted when I replaced the bed. I used some Channel I had in my scrap pile to mount to the rail ties that were already on the frame. The company that made the winch doesn't make anything rated less than 12k pounds, so I know it'll do the job. It is hydraulically driven off a motor driven pump (controls are shown below) and can lift the entire rig off the ground if I had something strong enough to connect to.
Here are the pictures from last night. The hooks on the side rails of the bed normally have the chains hanging from them, but since I've been pushing snow banks back and getting into the pack, I have all 4 tires chained up for added traction. The chains will be coming off in the coming days when I swap out the tires for summer tires sometime next week.
The interior controls have valves to swap between the plow and the winch. I had problems with the pump clutch, so the winch is temporarily disconnected and I've rerouted the plow lines to the old electric pump that has controls mounted to the gear shifter. I will be remounting the controls and the hydraulic storage tank once I replace the floor on that side of the rig this summer.
She's a blast to drive too..