This is sort of automotive, redneck engineering here...but last year went camping, backed my trusted hitch hauler into a tree:

- I bought this in 2002- first family trip to the beach when my oldest was 3, middle was a little over 1, youngest wasnt born yet, since then its been on every road trip we have ever made as a family, from Key Largo to Yellowstone.. Its also rated to hold 2000 lbs and not like the ones you buy at the wal mart -
Tried to find a welder locally, most still wanted more money than I wanted to spend, so I got out the old sawzall..
and then flattened the piece out:
Then a few drill bits later..
Probably not rated at a ton anymore but I got in the back and jumped up and down and it still held

- Im going to add some reinformcement for where the steel mesh was bent, but I mainly use it for camping and winter trips when the ski's take up all the space in the thule..
Yeah I know it looks a litte ghetto fabulous, gonna rattle can that