blybrook PE
Veteran 10k Spammer
Get a small dab of wheel bearing or lithium grease and coat the terminals before installation. It'll help combat future corrosion.
I think that's the answer...All of our new cars have needed batteries around 3 years. All of the really old cars' batteries last a long time, especially if you keep them on the trickle charger when you don't drive them regularly.:blink2:
wut? For all of our vintage cars,
This is exactly what I wanted to hear. I don't mind changing it out, but then when AutoZone said it was good...I started questioning myself. Can't bug my dad (he just traveled with mom and bro to Hawaii) and everything online isn't exactly clear. The cranking speed def slowed down and it felt like it almost wasn't going to catch so, idk, maybe it's slowly discharging during the day when I'm not driving and it won't catch because of that. Either way: JK is to replace battery and just be done with it. Thanks everyone for helping me with this simple question that I spiraled out of control so I wouldn't go to a dealership or auto repair place!IMO, yes. I never bother bringing batteries in for them to test anymore, because they've tested several as "good" that were duds/had a shorted cell. It's one thing for the cranking speed to slow down when it's cold by a fraction, its another for it to barely turn over/sound like its not going to catch.
He stopped because they're high in cholesterolF'n squirrels, need Cousin Eddie to pay a visit and eat some of them
I'd volunteer P2, but she only eats the top half. Do you need the whole squirrel eaten or can the bottom halves be left behind as a warning?F'n squirrels, need Cousin Eddie to pay a visit and eat some of them
... on my new battery and it’s like twice the amount of my old battery,...
YEAH. My old battery, when I popped it out and was able to read the top, said the CCA was 350-something. New one is 640. So I'm thinking this is just a bigger/better battery for my bbyCorolla. I'm just happy this hopefully means 3-years of JK not having to worry too much about the car.
The starter will draw what current it needs to draw, but about double the old battery CCA? Got dam!