Road Guy
Well-known member
I have good news! Almost as good as the PE results coming in tomorrowwhen we thought the wifes car was dead we looked at Pilots, I really like them but man they are proud of them..$$
wife is actually wanting now to get a Tacoma 4 door so she can move around in the snow easier.. of course those are not cheap either..
So I am not sure if I updated the wifes prius drama..
- last month her (fat ass) parents came to visit, they drove the prius to Aspen to "look at the one color fall leaf in CO"
- Prius battery (hybrid ) appears to die in Aspen
- Tow car back to Denver - paid for that AAA membership for sure
- Sweat having to get rid of a useless car for a while
- Learn that the hybdrid battery is OK but 2 years ago the first hybrid battery died, it was still under warranty so Toyota replaced, but they did not replace the fans that cool the battery, so the battery was "fine" but shut down driving up the mountains. Toyota actually owned up to it and gave us a new hybrid battery and replaced the fans, have to admit I was a little shocked they went that far.
- So now we are making a plan to sell the prius since it has new hybrid battery that "should" be good for 4 more years, but were just trying to be extremely picky selling it since there are ALOT of them in this area..
Sad news is now we have a new to us / used car payment. Wife didn't really like the Pilot, I was surprised I though she would have liked them, but she went and got a 2011 Toyota Highlander, but only 50K miles though.. (I think its the step down from the 4 runner) but this one has a 3rd row seat and the middle was bucket seats which is a big plus.. But the price was right for her....Our main goal was just not to have a $700 car payment..
I am still stuck with the leaking oil Tahoe for a while until I figure out what to do with that, but now we don't have to drive it up to the mtns so much...